DNA Testing Suspended

C’ville police have suspended their collection of DNA samples from black men, WINA reports. Chief Timothy Longo intends to meet with leaders in the black community Friday to determine how to go about investigating this case, specifically addressing what will happen to the DNA samples after they’re taken. The story became national news Wednesday, which presumably has had the effect of making the police somewhat more cautious. 04/16 Update: Reed Williams has a story in today’s Progress.

20 Responses to “DNA Testing Suspended”

  • dkachur says:

    To all those in the previous thread who thought there was no problem with the DNA testing, here’s some food for thought….

    If there was nothing wrong with the Charlottesville PD’s actions and if they were the best way to capture the rapist, then why would they end this policy as soon as it got national media attention?

  • Lars says:

    The outrage shouldnt be that only black men are being tested. The outrage should be that we’re spending money to do hundreds of presumably expensive DNA tests.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    I can see it now the next time the rapist attackts, the public DEMANDS the capture as long as we DO NOT offend anyone who might look like the rapist. We might be racists if we did even though the villian is black.

    You know all I am saying is that saying is that the ONLY reason we are under a mircoscope about this is the fact they are getting samples from black people. You know if it was a white guy raping black girls, and the police took DNA of white guys we wouldn’t hear anything about it. We live in a reverse racist society.

  • BetterLife says:

    amen! If I started an organization called the National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP) what would be said about that? I would be labeled a racist, right?

    Reverse racism is occurring right under your noses..

  • cornelious says:

    "If there was nothing wrong with the Charlottesville PD’s actions and if they were the best way to capture the rapist, then why would they end this policy as soon as it got national media attention"

    Exactly. Of course. Only the "national media" knows how to solve this case and of course solve the Iraq problem, prevent terrorism,fix medicare, resolve retirement issues, feed the hungry , clothe the poor and house the homeless. Damn, why didn`t Longo consult them in the first place? The National media – what a concept !! Hello! – They sell advertising!

  • dkachur says:

    The fact is DNA samples are being taken from people whose only resemblance to the rapist is skin color. In all other physical attributes, there seems to be no correlation between those asked to submit DNA.

    Therefore, the only criteria being used is race. That is racial profiling.

  • dkachur says:

    That’s not the point. The point is that the Charlottesville PD stops their actions as soon as someone from outside the region takes notice. That implies that they knew their actions were sketchy.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    so police were taking DNA’s from 300lbs black men because they were the same skin color?

    Or were they taking DNA from elderly black men because they were the same skin color?

    Or were they taking DNA from black FEMALE because they were the same skin color?

  • BetterLife says:

    I disagree. You have a UVA loudmouth that is screaming racism. That gets attention, especially with all the attention UVA got last year when the "phantom" attacker pushed poor Ms. Lundy down.

    I don’t think the police should change their position. If you match the description, they should be approaching people and gathering more info including a request for a voluntary swab. Cops can ask for anything, it doesn’t mean you have to give it up. It is my opinion that the term "racism" is being used more and more as a defense mechanism. It is taking the focus off of what racism really is. I know cops who have told me that they stop someone at night and have no idea whether is a black, white, asian, man or woman at the wheel. They walk up to the car and the first thing said is " you stopped me because I’m black". They feel like some are trying to use it as a "get out of jail free" card. Sure, racism exists and I am opposed to any activity that is ACTUALLY a racist practice. I think the police are being good investigators. If the suspect is black, and you have someone that matches the description, dig a little more and ask for a swab. What the hell is wrong with that?

    You just watch and see if this guy strikes again, liberal Charlottesville will then scream that the police aren’t doing enough. Hopefully, that will never happen.

  • Lars says:

    You’re totally right. In fact, we dont even KNOW what they’re doing. All we know is they’ve gotten several black men to agree to a DNA test. We don’t know why they were asked, or even who they were.

    For all we know, every one of those people was fingered by an eyewitness, or failed a lie detector test, or committed similar crimes in the past, etc.

    We are just trying to make this story as bad as we can possibly make it. Which is exactly what the media is doing too. Go figure, perhaps its human nature?

    That doesnt mean I support testing hundreds of suspects. Thats just grasping at straws. They should have a more focused investigation, instead of just ruling out everyone in the city who fits the description! What if this guy is a salesman or a truck driver who passes through cville once a month?

    The FBI doesnt go around testing every mid-30’s white serial killer profile in the country to rule them all out. They track the fuckers down!!!

  • REPSAR says:

    Betterlife, you hit the nail the the head. This town is absurd with their liberal ways.

  • REPSAR says:

    There is nothing wrong with this practice. When ALL of the victims give the description of their attacker being a black man, and the police only stop or question black men regarding the rape case, then it’s got nothing to do with RACE. It’s called the LAW of Probablity…..

    I wish that the citizens of this too liberal town would wake the hell up. These people that ***** and moan about the swabbing of these folks will be the same ones to ***** that the police aren’t doing there job. Make up your minds.

    Contrary to what you you bleeding heart liberals think, the police aren’t evil, and they aren’t out to get you. They are out there to do a job, to protect and serve the community.

    Stopping the DNA testing isn’t helping at all. The only thing it is doing is shutting up all the cry babies who complained about it……

    Let’s see what happens the next time the rapist strikes…..

  • cornelious says:

    Maybe – but then again we are blacktopping a nature trail. What`s the figure? $100,000 plus?

  • REPSAR says:

    It’s not ok to spend money to catch a criminal, but it’s ok to spend millons on a traffic study on Emmett street?

    That is what is wrong with this town…..

  • REPSAR says:

    If you started your association, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be knocking down your door….

  • REPSAR says:

    Blacktopping a nature trail???

    Isn’t that an oxymoron?

  • blackmannumberone says:

    My reply to:

    There is nothing wrong with this practice. When ALL of the victims give the description of their attacker being a black man, and the police only stop or question black men regarding the rape case, then it’s got nothing to do with RACE. It’s called the LAW of Probablity…..

    I wish that the citizens of this too liberal town would wake the hell up. These people that ***** and moan about the swabbing of these folks will be the same ones to ***** that the police aren’t doing there job. Make up your minds.

    Contrary to what you you bleeding heart liberals think, the police aren’t evil, and they aren’t out to get you. They are out there to do a job, to protect and serve the community.

    Stopping the DNA testing isn’t helping at all. The only thing it is doing is shutting up all the cry babies who complained about it……

    Let’s see what happens the next time the rapist strikes…..

    Is this:


    This is a LIBERAL way of thinking? Okay, Mr. smart guy, the NEXT time a WHITE man shoots someone let’s call all of the white men downtown to have their guns tested, if they DON’T go downtown then let’s harrass and threaten them.

    Also, tell me the last time you’ve heard of all white men being told to do something like this, I guess it’s just a conspiracy of the media to not report civil rights violations of whites.

  • blanco_nino says:

    it’s been stated several times that the people whose DNA was requested did resembe the police sketch of the rapist.

  • blanco_nino says:

    someone cries “racism” over the term “blacktopping”?

  • cornelious says:

    Yes, and perhaps to coin a phrase, it is "an oxymoronic act" but that`s too easy – surely must have been said.

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