Georgetown Farm Shutting Down

Free Union’s Georgetown Farm, in operation since 1978, is shutting down. The beef and bison farm is owned by billionaire Edgar Bronfman Sr., and just recently expanded to create the Georgetown Farm Market in Albemarle Square and the Buffalo Hill shop up in Madison. All that’s official for the time being is that the two retail locations are closing down, but the word on the street (and in the paper) is that Bronfman’s financial advisors have recommended axing the whole thing. 25 people will lose their jobs. John Yellig has the story in today’s Progress.

9 Responses to “Georgetown Farm Shutting Down”

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    is it me or does Albemarle Square shopping just is bad luck. I am sorry but people complain about retail space moving outward instead of going where there is already place for it.

    It just seems that with ACAC (the rich people gym) and Outback (where everyone who isn’t down with local resturants) go. BTW, OB is like pack every freakin night.

    Yet Albemarle Square is just a waste land. I can’t explain it.

  • BurntHombre says:

    You english is make me difficult.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    well if us had preview buttom then me can proof rad my post.

  • bronco6778 says:

    If (when?) Circuit City goes, you’re looking at a dead shopping area, with the exception of Plan 9. Redevelopment ideas anyone?

  • Me says:

    in my opinion….service has never been the same since Kico left.

  • Lyleonline says:

    I’ve spoken with a former tenant of Albemarle Square, and it sounds like a management problem. The owners or the property management company that represents them appear to be deliberately keeping their income in rents low. I have no idea why, but I suspect something to do with income tax. I like to think that people act badly out of corruption rather than incompetence. Call me an optimist.

    I strongly doubt that redevelopment is an option given the situation, but if there were a change in ownership or in the owner’s economic strategy, I think a dense, mixed-use development conforming to the neighborhood model would make financial sense. Naturally, housing costs should reflect the mix of incomes in the Charlottesville region. This is the development area after all.

  • Lars says:

    Can I adopt a bison?

  • mmike87 says:

    The rich people gym? Yup – livin’ large from my duplex, looking down on the little people yelling "Let them eat cake!"

    On topic … Georgetown shutting down sucks. Bison is good stuff. Very lean and very tasty.

  • ginseng_sullivan says:

    Bronfman seems to be the kiss of death for many a going concern. Cf Montreal Expos.

    His support of dubious political causes has also left a bad taste that Seagram’s wine coolers do not mask.


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