Ex-Deputy Shifflett’s Files to be Opened

We all remember Deputy Shiflett: he claimed to have been shot by a black man, had a couple of guys taken into custody, his story didn’t add up, he resigned, Sheriff Ed Robb put his foot in his mouth, Commonwealth’s Attorney Jim Camblos refused to charge Shiflett, the Progress went after Camblos’ inconsistencies, Camblos didn’t do jack to investigate the case, and the two black guys filed suit for false arrest. (Phew.) Now, Judge Paul Peatross has ordered that the files pertaining to the investigation into Shiflett be opened up, not for public scrutiny, but for the attorneys on either side of the lawsuits. Investigators are now saying that they have two theories: either Shiflett shot himself (or made it look like he’d shot himself), or somebody else shot him and Shiflett is covering it up. Liesel Nowack has the story in today’s Progress.

5 Responses to “Ex-Deputy Shifflett’s Files to be Opened”

  • cornelious says:

    "Investigators are now saying that they have two theories: either Shiflett shot himself (or made it look like he’d shot himself), or somebody else shot him and Shiflett is covering it up"

    Absolute genius. Who would have thought they could narrow it down so quickly?

    My non-genious comment. Cherchez la femme for motivation or direct involvement.

  • BetterLife says:

    Ok, for those of us that had no interest in taking foreign language electives, what does Cherchez la femme mean?

  • Belle says:

    BetterLife writes: Ok, for those of us that had no interest in taking foreign language electives, what does Cherchez la femme mean?

    I’ll translate this as ‘look for a woman’ (from the French verb chercher, right Waldo?). That is to say, Cornelious (a French spelling of this name?) thinks that a woman may be the motivating factor behind this débâcle of law enforcement.

  • cornelious says:

    "Cornelious (a French spelling of this name?) thinks that a woman may be the motivating factor behind this débâcle of law enforcement. "

    Well, Belle, (don`cha just love it?) not behind the "enforcement" but "behind the crime", a subtle, but I think, important distinction.

    Cornelious may or may not be a French spelling, I dunno, but it has existed in my Nederlandish family since at least 1500 and I will admit was originally spelled "Cornelis". I believe, but am not sure and no time to Google, "Cornelious" is the spelling used in biblical translations – of course I suppose it depended upon who did the translating.

    Better Life, sorry about the use of "Cherchez la femme" but I thought it was a commonly used phrase and probably more easily recognized from French literature than a study of languages, but then I`m sure you may know a phrase with which I am not familiar. I`ll be more careful in the future as understanding is of the essence on this board.

    I guess this would be a good time to say something about the French but I will abstain.

    Anyway it`s all very interesting.

    PS Belle – It may be "search" instead of "look" – not sure – covering all bases -I`ll leave that to you and Waldo who may have spent more time in France than I did – although probably the best way to learn a language vis-a-vis school ! (and have fun too).


  • BetterLife says:

    So basically, we think there is a woman involved. I follow you now, Cornelious!

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