Yet Another Rt. 29 Shopping Center

The never-ending parade continues: the owner of the former Comdial plant on Rt. 29 wants to convert it into a shopping center. Seminole Trail Properties bought the building for $11.4M three years ago, and they now want to tear down the plant and install a home improvement store, a 70k sq. ft. retail store, and four smaller buildings between 9k and 36k sq. ft. There’s nothing solid about the proposal, but the options for the space are limited, and presumably the owners would like to make back their $11.4M somehow. David Dadurka has the story in today’s Progress.

6 Responses to “Yet Another Rt. 29 Shopping Center”

  • GreeneCountyMan says:

    If we are going to have shopping malls, this is a great place for one.

    Its location is right in the already developed area. It doesn’t add to sprawl and it presents an opportunity to make the roads work a bit better.

    Just wish they could cancel North Fork development and replace it with one at the old Sperry/Comdial properties.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    Do you mean Northe Point?

    Never heard of North Folk. Anyhoo, this is going to be next to the Albemarle Place. Big surpise this got pass so quick since everyone is in love with that place.

  • harry says:

    Yeah, Albemarle Place… everybody’s in love with that place. It’s upscale, you know.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    can’t wait to shop at Macy,

    sheesh Target is for the commoners.

  • Waldo says:

    It’s upscale, you know.

    I think we should give up on this “World Class City” business. Let’s just declare Charlottesville to be “upscale” and call it a day.

  • blanco_nino says:

    hell, the taxes around here are skyrocketing. i’m making like all the other commoners and getting the hell outta dodge. my non-kluge-last-name-having-ass is headed to fluvanna, and i can’t wait til i close so i can flee the greedy mitts of jennifer l. brown.

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