Review of Dem. Council Candidates

In this week’s Hook, Lisa Provence has a review of all four Democratic nominee candidates — David Brown, Kendra Hamilton, Kevin Lynch, and Meredith Richards — including a brief Q&A with each and a bit of background, for the unfamiliar. By way of reminder, the Republican nomination convention is tonight (I think; their website doesn’t say) and the Democrats nomination convention is Saturday, at the County Office Building at 12:30. City residents, please be sure to show up and cast your vote.

3 Responses to “Review of Dem. Council Candidates”

  • Big_Al says:

    I notice a general lack of interest, at least here, regarding this particular council election cycle – at least in comparison to the last one. Two years ago these pages were quite lively with commentary, speculation, and even innuendo. I find that lack of interest fascinating, as there is far more at stake with three seats on the ballot this time.


    Also, referring to the Hook article, does anybody really think Coran Capshaw has any intention of keeping Fridays or whatever succeeds it “free?” Red Light is a for-profit venture, not a local non-profit.

    As a sidebar, shouldn’t the last sentence in the original posting, “City residents, please be sure to show up and cast your vote,” more accurately refer to City Democrats?

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    hummm 4 people running for 3 seats, and they are all Democrats, ha you have to love the many options you can vote for.

  • cornelious says:

    >>>>>>>I notice a general lack of interest, at least here, regarding this particular council election cycle<<<<<<<<<

    This elction is similar to a one horse race.

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