T-Shirt Lawsuit Ends

The Fourth Circuit Court has refused to hear an appeal from the Albemarle County Schools Board in the suit brought against them in late 2002 by the family of a Jack Jouett student, WINA reports. Twelve-year-old Alan Newsome was not permitted to wear his NRA t-shirt to school, despite there being no rule to the contrary. (Notably, the logo of Albemarle High School is a man carrying a gun, and the logo of UVa is two crossed swords.) With the support of the NRA, Newsome sued for the right to wear the shirt, and won last month. With the denial of the school board’s appeal, that ends the case in Newsome’s favor.

9 Responses to “T-Shirt Lawsuit Ends”

  • cornelious says:

    1. What were they thinking?

    2……… and to then appeal – boggles the mind.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    isn’t there far more worst things to wear to school like:

    Bush for 2004

    God Bless America

    I Support the Troops

    Free Iraq

    Free Kobe

    Free Saddam

    Free Dean

    I Watch FoxNews

    The ACLU sued everyone in sight and all I got was this lousy shirt

    and the funniest shirt I ever saw:

    Homosexuals Are Gay

  • sublimelemon says:

    Just so you know, the lawsuit is NOT really over…the petition for re-hearing of the preliminary injunction was overturned. Alan’s allowed to wear the shirt until the suit comes forth. The $150,000 lawsuit trial date concerning Alan’s constitutional rights has not yet been set.

    Just setting WINA’s facts straight…a lot of people have been confused about this issue.

  • JizzMasterZero says:

    There’s a shirt out there, similar but more clever, that’s pink and that says "Homophobia is Gay."

    The same people make one that says "Shoot Pigs in the Face."

  • cornelious says:

    The lawsuit you speak to – Is this for damages of some nature brought by Alan et al?

  • sublimelemon says:

    Yep. It was in the Progress/AP story last month. The Newsom family is suing the school system specifically for $150,000, stating that Alan’s right to free speech was violated. The suit was brought by Newsom’s father, and I’mnot entirely sure if the NRA is involved in this lawsuit specifially. They were mainly involved in the preliminary injunction. I’m sure they’ll have some interest in the rest though.

    All the appeal court’s ruling does is force the Charlottesville judge to find a different standard by which to stop Alan wearing the shirt and forces the school board to look at Jouett’s code a little more closely, since the three judges said said that it might be "unconstitutional."

  • cornelious says:


  • Lars says:

    My favorite t-shirts:

    "Cars are people too"


    *picture of a hypodermic needle*

    "Just do it"

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