Weird WINA Programming

empty writes: Today at 5:00 PM I tuned to WINA for the top of the hour news, but heard instead what seemed to be a Schoolhouse Rock parody with lyrics pretty rough for talk AM (“a noun can be a person, like a hooker, or a pimp,” for example, approximately). This was followed by the techno hit “Sandstorm” by DaRude, and then several minutes of silence. Malicious operator? Pirate prank? Format experiment? It wasn’t quite as weird as the time WVIR broadcast porn, but it still caught my attention.

With music like that, I would definitely spend more time listening to WINA than just a half-hour in the morning.

2 Responses to “Weird WINA Programming”

  • BetterLife says:

    Your kidding, when???????

  • dsewell says:

    There were some electrical/phone/network outages connected with thunderstorms late this afternoon. My guess would be that’s a likelier explanation than, say, an obscure protest by someone who doesn’t like the Michael Savage show. (If he’s still on–I don’t venture anywhere near 1070 during his evening slot.)

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