Monthly Archive for May, 2003

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No 4th of July Celebration?

For many years, the Jaycees ran the Charlottesville Independence Day celebration, ensuring that fireworks, music, and picnics happened on the 4th of July each year. A few years ago, they decided to stop doing it, and it was rescued by a couple of generous citizens who ponied up the not-insignifant sum of money to make it happen. From there, the Charlottesville Downtown Foundation took it over, and ensured that the tradition carried on. Now CDF cannot afford the $20,000 to spend on it, and the city doesn’t have the money, either. WINA has the story. So, cvillenewsers, how do we make the 4th of July happen in C’ville? 05/15 Update: The Progress has a story with more details. Tom Powell is seeking corporate donations — $7,000 down, $13,000 to go.

WINA Line-Up Too Conservative?

Indie writes: “A letter on George Loper’s website pointed out the highly conservative talk radio line-up on WINA. After the morning news, the line-up goes as follows (per WINA’s website): Neal Boortz, Clark Howard, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Fox News, & Joey Reynolds. The person who wrote to Loper said he is considering a petition or letter writing drive to get Brad Eure’s (who owns WINA) attention that there needs to be more balance on the air locally. Why not poll it here? The letter can be found here.”

To be fair, Clark Howard is apolitical, providing financial advice; WINA says that Fox News host Alan Colmes is “the left wing antithesis to Sean Hannity”; and Joey Reynolds appears to also be apolitical.

Housing Authority Director Leaves C-ville Post

Indie writes: Del Harvey is leaving her position as Executive Director of the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority. According to WINA, Chairman Dave Norris “wants a flexible individual who can work with public housing residents.” There seems to always have been a contentious relationship between staff, the board, and residents. Why is this?

Albemarle Curbs Curbside Recycling

Big_Al writes: Beginning in July, the county will no longer pay contractors to collect recyclables. Residents wishing to recycle will have to schlep everything to the McIntire Road Recycling Center. The county blames the negative revenue stream recycling generates for the desicion. The Daily Progress has the story.

Tornado Warning

The National Weather Service reports that there is a tornado warning for Charlottesville and Albemarle. This means that a tornado has been sighted in the area or seen on radar. Has anybody seen anything? What’s the weather situation around the area? For reference, our last tornado was in June of 2002, running through the Free Union area. 3:04pm Update: As of 3:02pm now been downgraded to a severe thunderstorm, with warnings of 60mph wind gusts and 1.5″ hail. A tornado watch is still in effect, and will be until 8pm.
