Blair Hawkins to Fight Windmill

Jack writes: Local Republican Blair Hawkins says that he intends to run against Mitch Van Yahres for Delegate, despite that fact that he missed the deadline to officially file his candidacy. Stating that “The campaign is far from over,” Hawkins explains that he missed the deadline because he was out of town working as a lighting technician for weddings. In a separate statement, he has offered that he was unaware of the deadline because he has not checked his email in several weeks. Hawkins intends to deliver a nomination speech at the Republican mass meeting on June 2 at McIntire Park. 06/03 Update: Hawkins bowed out at last night’s Republican mass meeting.

Press Release:

May 29, 2003

The Hawkins campaign for House of Delegates 57th District continues.

“I will be at the Republican mass meeting Monday June 2, 6 pm, at McIntire Park. I will deliver my nomination speech and/or hand out copies of the speech to those interested. The speech will explain the reasons I have to run.

A political ad will appear in the Public Notices section of the Daily Progress classifieds for one week beginning Friday May 30. The campaign is far from over.

I failed to file by the deadline for the Republican Convention because I have been working out of town and very long hours the last few weeks as lighting techinician for weddings and big tent parties. I simply missed the newspaper with the announcement that came just one week before the convention.

I look forward to a stimulating campaign over the summer. The incumbent Mitch Van Yahres will have opportunities to explain why he opposes the Fifth Amendment and supports Urban Renewal.”

Blair Hawkins

13 Responses to “Blair Hawkins to Fight Windmill”

  • Jack says:

    I can’t decide whether this is funny or just sad.

    Perhaps Mr. Hawkins is under the impression that the job in question will not involve such hurdles as deadlines, communication, homework or organization that he has such difficulty with. Then again, maybe Rob Schilling has provided him with a shining example of how one can fail to overcome such deficits while still holding public office.

  • Indie says:

    What a joke… Why is anyone even bothering paying attention to this guy?

  • Big_Al says:

    AH – so the established rules only apply when convenience allows. Yeah – this guy will make excellent cannon fodder!

    Tilting at windmills, indeed.

  • lettuce says:

    When did Mitch Van Yahres say that he opposes the 5th Amendment? My other question is, what’s wrong with supporting urban renewal? We’re just supposed to abandon our cities or something?

  • Big_Al says:

    As long as the tax cuts are big enough and deep enough, the cities will rebuild themselves. Don’t you understand anything about the new economics?

  • Indie says:

    Hawkins is talking about Vinegar Hill. He won’t let this issue go.

  • JizzMasterZero says:

    He crazy.

  • Jack says:

    Why Blair Hawkins chooses to cc me- an officer of the Democratic Party in Charlottesville- utterly eludes me. I can only conclude that Mr. Hawkins seeks my help in publicizing the sad intrigues of the Cville GOP.

    Here ’tis.


    June 1, 2003
    Dear Bob Hodous,

    If I can’t stand up to a local political party, how
    will stand up to the General Assembly on behalf of
    this community?

    At tomorrow’s mass meeting, a member of the party will
    make a motion that the floor be opened for nominations
    for the 57th House District seat. A second member
    will second the motion. You will have to vote to
    exclude members from consideration as candidates.

    I will arrive at McIntire Park at 5 pm to put up a
    poster or two, hand out buttons or cards, give
    interviews, and to get my uncle, veteran politician
    Thomas Dowell settled in. Mr. Dowell ran for City
    Council three times in the 1970s to stop urban renewal
    and was denied the opportunity to present himself
    before the Republican party as a candidate for the
    very seat I now seek.

    I will have the filing fee in the form of a cashier’s
    check from Virinia National Bank in the amount of $500
    made out to the 57th House District Republican
    Committee. Mr. Hodous, if you support the Democratic
    nominee, please resign as chairman of the
    Charlottesville Republican Committee.

    Blair Hawkins

    — “Robert P. Hodous”
    > Dear Blair,
    > The rules laid down in the properly-approved call
    > for the meeting are to be
    > followed. I shall be happy to recognize you for a
    > brief issue speech, but
    > at this time there is no one who can be nominated as
    > the Republican
    > candidate.
    > Sincerely,
    > Bob Hodous
    > Robert P. Hodous
    > 1309 Lester Drive
    > Charlottesville, VA 22901
    > Phone: 434-296-7474 (Home); 434-977-4507 (Office)
    > E-mail:
    > —–Original Message—–
    > From: Blair Hawkins
    > []
    > Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:16 PM
    > To: Ron Hasson; Cathryn Harding (E-mail); Lisa
    > Provence (E-mail); NBC 29
    > (E-mail); WINA News (E-mail); WTJU (E-mail); WWWV
    > (E-mail);
    >; PC Arts;
    >; Anne
    > Bedarf; Rob Bell; Karla Bower; Brian Cohen; – The
    > Cavalier Daily Mike
    > Sampson; Keith Drake; Bruce Edmonds; Bruce J
    > Edmonds; Chris Fitzgerald; Pam
    > Fitzgerald; Virginia Forum; Robert Graham; Amanda
    > Greene; Hugh High;
    > Patrick Hite;; Robert P. Hodous;
    >; Neil
    > Kearns; Kizzi;; Jackson Landers;
    >; Thomas D. Layman; George
    > Loper;
    >; Jack Marshall; Local Bell
    > Media;;
    > Mary Miller; Chromy PaulnDeb; David Plunkett; Mary
    > Reese; The Arts Council
    > of the Blue Ridge; Kimberly Robbins;
    >; Robert
    > Schwertfeger; Eric Strucko; John Teixeira; harris
    > tobias; Lawrence Tropea;
    > Brian Wheeler; Ken Wilson; carol wood
    > Cc:;
    > Subject: Re:
    > Press Release:
    > May 29, 2003
    > The Hawkins campaign for House of Delegates 57th
    > District continues.
    > “I will be at the Republican mass meeting Monday
    > June
    > 2, 6 pm, at McIntire Park. I will deliver my
    > nomination speech and/or hand out copies of the
    > speech
    > to those interested. The speech will explain the
    > reasons I have to run.
    > A political ad will appear in the Public Notices
    > section of the Daily Progress classifieds for one
    > week
    > beginning Friday May 30. The campaign is far from
    > over.
    > I failed to file by the deadline for the Republican
    > Convention because I have been working out of town
    > and
    > very long hours the last few weeks as lighting
    > techinician for weddings and big tent parties. I
    > simply missed the newspaper with the announcement
    > that
    > came just one week before the convention.
    > I look forward to a stimulating campaign over the
    > summer. The incumbent Mitch Van Yahres will have
    > opportunities to explain why he opposes the Fifth
    > Amendment and supports Urban Renewal.”
    > Blair Hawkins

  • Lafe says:


  • cornelious says:

    Not an issue. It`s history.

  • mmike87 says:

    Wow – a genuine card-carryin’ member of the Democratic Party of Charlottesville.

  • mmike87 says:

    No, we should not. We should repair, rebuild, and renew regardless of cost.

  • Jack says:

    Yep. For some reason, Blair Hawkins likes to cc me on all sorts of things. I’m not clear on why he would expect me to provide him with any kind of support or publicity. Maybe he’s just trying to be friendly. I don’t understand it at all, but I do get a kick out of the email.

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