Van Yahres Running Unopposed

The deadline has come and gone for a Republican challenger to file their candidacy against Democratic incumbent Mitch Van Yahres, without anybody stepping forward. Tom McCrystal and Blair Hawkins were both seen as likely candidates, but McCrystal decided not to run and Hawkins never filed. Says Van Yahres, “I’m kind of sorry. On the whole, I’d rather have opposition. It sharpens your whole approach on the issues and the major reason is the public deserves to have a debate on the issues.” On the other side of party lines, Republican Delegate Rob Bell, who represents portions of Albemarle, remains unchallenged, though a Democrat could still announce their candidacy. Bob Gibson has the story in today’s Progress.

9 Responses to “Van Yahres Running Unopposed”

  • 22blitz says:

    we all know this as bulls***! mitch van yahres is crooked and corrupt! just like the democrats here in charlottesville. the reason why they are still in power is becuase they are able to lie and got away with it for a very long time. it’s going to come a time that the democratic party in charlottesville is going to come to the realizeation that the people of charlottesville are not stupid as they call us citizens. that’s the reason i vote repubican. over the course of history the democats have disciminated against blacks and challenged intergration in public school not only in charlottesville but across the state of virginia. mitch van yahres is a s*** head and we all know it. I hate to tell the truth but he needs to retire and let some other person be elected into the house of delegates. that all i have to say.

  • Waldo says:

    van yahres is crooked and corrupt!


    OK, you’re free to say that, I suppose, but you’re also going to be a laughing stock unless you back that up. I’ve never heard anybody of any political or mental-health affiliation accuse Mitch of being “crooked” or “corrupt.”

  • Waldo says:

    over the course of history the democats have disciminated against blacks and challenged intergration in public school not only in charlottesville but across the state of virginia.

    It appears that you’re not familiar with the history of Virginia politics. Your assertion is somewhat akin to saying that Jefferson was a Republican. While this is factually accurate, it is simultaneously completely misleading. I suggest that you read up on Harry Byrd and the collapse of the Byrd Machine in the 60s. That will provide some perspective on folks like Mitch Van Yahres who led the dismantling of the Byrd Machine.

  • Big_Al says:

    For Real! Van Yahres is as right-on as they come. He would have been tough for any republican to beat, simply because he’s done nothing to warrant his removal. He’s done right by his people, and he’s a common-sense kind of legislator.

    And the term "political or mental-health affiliation" is absolutely golden. Waldo!

  • IamDaMan says:

    Well, I don’t think 22blitz’s argument holds a lot of water. I do think the problem is just selection.

    It is like George Carlin once said "you can go to a ice cream shop and have 31 different choices yet when you go to a voting booth you have only 2".

    I think the bigger problem is that people lack the interest in running for public office. We are losing leaders on both sides (R and D). People just don’t care anymore. I think it is my generation is the main reason why. Take a look on what is happening in a national scale. Back in 96, we had Dole run against Clinton. Yeah, Dole was going to win. I am sure the Reps could have come out with a stronger candidate. Yet no one wanted to be the guy who would lose to Clinton. Then in 2004, we don’t have any *real* strong opposition against Bush.

    I think the most interesting thing about this whole debate is that the show American Idol had more people vote in it then the last Presidential Elections.

    I think now people are turned off by everything on both sides. I know when I vote the last thing that goes into my mind is which one is the lesser of two evils.

  • Lafe says:

    I know when I vote the last thing that goes into my mind is which one is the lesser of two evils.

    That’s the way I vote, the vast majority of the time.

    And sometimes you’ve gotta choose between someone who you know will do nothing useful, and someone that you know will be energetically pursuing the wrong goals.


  • 22blitz says:

    mitch van yahres is crooked and corrupt! period. no matter what anyone says. i have no mental problems. period. being a right wing consverative has never hurt me period. this bulls*** what the backlash is. i don’t care what i become a laughing stock becuase i am stating my beliefs. for all i care the truth needs to come out about the democrats inculding mitch van yahres. that’s all i have to say.

  • dkachur says:

    By all means, share the truth with us. You haven’t done so yet. All you have done is make sensationalistic claims about a man that many people believe is one of the most moral persons in the general assembly.. in either party. If you can share any evidence at all that Van Yahres is crooked, then I would listen to it.

    Of course you won’t, however, because the type of people who make the types of claims you do in the way you do never ever provide evidence of their claims.

    I wonder, if Democrats are crooked, do you feel that Republicans are good, politics aside? And if you do feel that Republicans are better, than how do you address the amazing frequency that Republicans are caught up in immoral and illegal activities, both in Virginia and across the nation?

  • Waldo says:

    mitch van yahres is crooked and corrupt! period. no matter what anyone says.

    As I said before: bring on some evidence. Right now, you’re just spouting accusations based on absolutely nothing. Just prove at least some sort of anecdotal evidence of his crooked corruptness. “He once looked at me funny.” “He’s being paid off by the Mafia.” Anything. But “he’s evil and I don’t care what anybody says” is just silly.

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