No 4th of July Celebration?

For many years, the Jaycees ran the Charlottesville Independence Day celebration, ensuring that fireworks, music, and picnics happened on the 4th of July each year. A few years ago, they decided to stop doing it, and it was rescued by a couple of generous citizens who ponied up the not-insignifant sum of money to make it happen. From there, the Charlottesville Downtown Foundation took it over, and ensured that the tradition carried on. Now CDF cannot afford the $20,000 to spend on it, and the city doesn’t have the money, either. WINA has the story. So, cvillenewsers, how do we make the 4th of July happen in C’ville? 05/15 Update: The Progress has a story with more details. Tom Powell is seeking corporate donations — $7,000 down, $13,000 to go.

8 Responses to “No 4th of July Celebration?”

  • Waldo says:

    "John Grisham Presents: Charlottesville Fourth of July!"

    Naw…I don’t like the sound of that.

    "Boyd Tinsley Presents: Charlottesville Independence Day!"

    That’s a bit better.

    "Patricia Kluge Presents: C’ville JulyFest!"

    Definitely not.

    "The Bronfman/Hoffman clan brings you: A Very Special Seagram’s July 4th!"

    Hmm… I’m not having much luck here.

  • lyle_lanley says:

    i thought it got cancelled b/c the left-wingers didn’t want to offend the “patriotically challenged” members of the c’ville community.

  • fdr says:

    Well, why don’t they raise it the same way that the City Center for Contemporary Arts (that’s C3A, for the acronym-happy) is doing? They’ve enlisted a consortium of local restaurants to add a “voluntary” $1 charge to your bill to support the center. If you don’t cross it off of your check (and who the heck reads every item on their check at a restaurant?), you support their cause. This clever little program starts tomorrow (in case you missed C-VILLE’s restaurant column or an ad that lists all the participating restaurants — Blue Light, Bang, OXO, etc.). I bet these restaurants will also have a small sign posted in their window as well but make no other mention of this “voluntary” donation. Why han’t the City of Charlottesville thought of this?? They can easily do the same thing — why not a “voluntary” fireworks fund donation every time you buy a sheet of trash stickers? Everyone thinks they’re so expensive anyway, they probably won’t notice an additional charge.

    End of combined rant.

  • lettuce says:

    Big fat whatever. Patriotism does not begin with an R.

  • Lafe says:

    Bill cramming is not the answer. It’s sleazy.

    However, if they had a consumer initiated option, similar to that $1 donation on your tax form, that you have to check if you wish to pay, I would gladly throw a buck or two their way.

  • Waldo says:

    I know that it’s a lot of work to coordinate small-scale donations, but I’d certainly pay $20. If there were buckets around town with a requested donation of, say, $5/person in order to fund fireworks, I surely hope that people would help pay for that. With proper media attention and a deadline (say, a week), I bet the money could be raised.

  • IamDaMan says:


    We wouldn’t want to offend the non americans with a July 4th celebration. We don’t want the non americans to be left out. I think we might also hurt the feelings of anyone who is british because they lost you know.

  • Lars says:

    The fire department bills for all the errant illegal fireworks will far surpass the cost of a sanctioned fireworks display.

    Not to mention the kids who blow their fingers off and require $20,000 in medical care each.

    Prepare for the inevitable carnage.

    Perhaps this isn’t the time for me to explain how to get an explosives permit and then buy det cord and RDX. Must not succumb to the rapture of illuminating the populace…

    A half a gallon of gasoline with det cord wrapped around it DOES look cool though. Naw, It would still be wrong to tell you…

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