Web Espionage Traced in Jefferson “Family” Feud

Belle writes: The Associated Press reported Friday that someone in the household of a Monticello Association official participated under false pretenses in a Yahoo message board created for Sally Hemmings descendents. There, s/he apparently discovered plans afoot to disrupt the annual meeting of the Association. The moderator of the board (a documented TJ descendent, as it happens) traced the intruder and has now called for a federal investigation. [Previous cvillenews.com discussions 1 and 2.]

My Lord, this Hemmings/Jefferson riff is quite a soap opera.

9 Responses to “Web Espionage Traced in Jefferson “Family” Feud”

  • 22blitz says:

    This soap opera is becoming more and more interesting my the year. one of the reasons why it’s becoming more and more interesting is becuase of the fact that people on both sides are acting like 10 year olds every year. i think it should be a local soap opera on nbc 29. becuase of the fact that it has more and more storylines than what’s on now. i know some have a lot of juicy info but it has more and more to it than meets the eye. i been on that monticello association website. i thought that it was full of crap. period. we all know they are full of it. you know it and i know it. the truth of the matter is that people are going on watch this everyday while they are here. this is one of our local soap operas that plays out every year. the other soaps are well lets not go there. this is going to affect a people down the line that are under the age of 20. well that’s all i have to say on the matter. peace.

  • Lars says:

    A federal investigation? WHATTHEFUCK?

    These people are completely insane. The FBI does not investigate people pretending to be old black women. Especially considering it isn’t even a crime of any sort.

    What I want to know, is which ISP released the identity of their customer to some random nosey person. Please tell us which one it was so that all of us can avoid giving them any business ever again.

  • Sympatico says:


  • Sympatico says:

    Can you imagine if everyone found out who I am? Shit!

  • Lars says:

    You give yourself too much credit. We really don’t care.

  • Sympatico says:

    You give yourself too much credit. We really don’t care.

    And I guess your talk for everyone on this site? Talk about presumptuous! Or should I call you Jesus Christ?

  • Lars says:

    Yes, And yes.

  • lyle_lanley says:

    And I guess your talk for everyone on this site? Talk about presumptuous! Or should I call you Jesus Christ?

    he doesn’t speak for me, but i also don’t care who yew are.

  • lyle_lanley says:

    A federal investigation? WHATTHEFUCK?

    i wonder what the bigger priority is for the feds…finding out who the “chat room intruder” is, or finding the “phantom racist” who attacked daisy lundy

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