Greene Stand-Off

WINA is reporting on-air this morning that there’s a stand-off in progress in Greene County, at the Lowest Price Gas Station in Midway, along Route 33, near Route 29. The man in question is one George Minor, who was chased there by a police officer around 7am this morning. He reportedly killed his girlfriend Monday, his girlfriend’s mother last night, is now holding hostages and apparently making demands. The police presence is escalating, with armored cars and a helicopter now having been brought to the scene. A nearby elementary school has been evacuated, and traffic is no longer permitted to pass on 33. One hostage has been released thus far — a young girl, about a half hour after the stand off started, who bore a note on Minor’s behalf. 11:13am Update: The AP has a story now. They report that Minor is from Culpeper, he’s 38 years old, and confirms that he killed girlfriend Latisha Bolden on Monday. The report makes no mention of Bolden’s mother, and is unclear as to whether there are currently one or two hostages. 2:47pm Update: It’s all over. Just after 1pm, Minor was taken away in an ambulance, a couple of hours after a gunshot was heard — details are pretty unclear from there. The Daily Progress has the story.

2 Responses to “Greene Stand-Off”

  • Lafe says:

    A co-worker of mine came through there right as they were closing off 33. He said as he was going through there, he saw a number of officers with high-powered rifles getting ready.

    Unfortunately, he didn’t get much more information than that, as at that point he figured it was a good idea to leave before the highway was fully blocked.

  • fdr says:

    According to the local radio stations, there were indeed two hostages and both were released a couple of hours ago.

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