WVIR Launches New Website

WVIR (NBC 29) has a fancy new website. Of relevance here, they’re back to providing local news, although it looks like they’re not archiving it at all, but presumably overwriting it every day. Not linkable, unfortunately, but certainly worth reading. Remember not to go to WVIR.com, boys and girls, because that’s a porn site.

5 Responses to “WVIR Launches New Website”

  • Waldo says:

    It’s a nice-looking site, IMHO, particularly compared to the previous incarnation. It is too bad about not archiving news, though.

    I’ve decided to give up on pushing local news outlets to archive news. Some of ’em just aren’t going to do it (or aren’t going to do it right), and we should be grateful for those that do. The next thing that I want to convince ’em to do is syndicate their headlines via RSS. The Hook has RSS, but it looks like it hasn’t been updated for a while. (I’ve just now noticed.) It would be great if, say, WINA, WVIR and the Progress would all have RSS-based newsfeeds. Then I could have a “latest stories” sidebar on the site, listing all the newest stories, and I could pick and choose from there rather than visiting all the local news sites so often.

  • will says:

    Okay, so I go to their new site, am sort of irked by their color scheme, but hey, it could be a lot worse. I see the headline about some vandalism in the county, want to read more about it, and click on the link that claims to hold more details. Lo and behold, I am taken to a page that doesn’t and instead has a list of all their stories. A bit annoying right there. So I read through the story links, find the one I’m looking for half-way down (despite being the only story featured on the front page) and click it. But what do I get? Another list of links to the stories! I go through the list again, click the one I want, and am finally taken down the page to the story I’m looking for.

    Ugh! Stupid site layout, to say the least. Pretty sad when you try two times to get the information the site is offering and it gives you something else instead both times.

  • IamDaMan says:

    i like http://www.wvir.com better :P

  • JizzMasterZero says:

    … put up head shots of The Deuce and The Ranj! And update the bios — I’m lookin’ at you, soccerfan99.

    But I guess maybe it would take some Deuce ex machina to get that happening, eh? Really, though, people … think of the ladies! (And of The Ranj’s many male fans, too, of course.)

    I do like, though, that this guy who calls himself “George Lettis” claims to have worked at a place called “WJZ”. And he listens to classic rock, too. A man after my own heart.

  • Leo says:

    Don’t count on head shots of the Duece or Ranji. They are leading the coming mass exodus. Deucey, Ranji, Trout and Linda Thomas will all soon be saying BUH-bye to DCupp and Harold Wright. Maybe they will leave town with their sanity, if not their dignity, in tact.

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