Find ‘Em In the Library First

Jefferson Madison Regional Library, because they’re just cool like that, has made a bookmarklet in the LibraryLookup format that allows people to easily see if a book is available at the library. When you’re on a book-related site (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, whatever), before you buy the book, you can use this bookmarklet (which is basically a bookmark that does something interesting) to see if you could just check it out instead of buying it. Just drag this link: [Library Lookup] to the toolbar at the top of your browser to activate it on your system. For example, if you were looking at my mother’s book on Amazon, you could click on the LibraryLookup bookmarklet to query JMRL’s catalog for it, and you’d discover that it’s checked out at Gordon and Central, but available at Northside and Louisa. Save money, make use of the library, try the LibraryLookup bookmarklet. Full disclosure: I represent Charlottesville on the Board of Trustees for JMRL.

6 Responses to “Find ‘Em In the Library First”

  • Lars says:

    Sure, it SAYS your mom’s book is available… thats just what they’ll have you believe.

    Does that thing know if your mom’s book is missing because I already stole all the copies? Cause that would be cool.

  • fdr says:

    Ooh, I love this! Thanks, Waldo, for posting it — I’ve been cutting and pasting between bookstore sites and the JMRL search page for the past two years!

  • rafaelo says:

    Thanks in general Waldo for a fine job so far on the Library Board.

  • Jinkster says:

    I know I’m repeating everyone here, but — thanks! This is a very cool tool, and will certainly increase my library visits.

  • cornelious says:

    Well, O Great Charlottesville Representative to the Board of Trustees for JMRL, if this bookmark thing is representative of your representative duties , you are doing a wonderful job representing us.


  • seamus says:

    One key to using this, if you find the paperback version of a book, for example "Undaunted Courage," the library does not have that, but it does have the hardback version, so the Library Lookup link works for that.

    I am sure Waldo could figure out a way to look up the ISBN number for all versions of a given title so we users could be less careful :)

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