Valley Observer Folds

According to the Augusta Free Press, the Observer’s valley edition has folded. (Please excuse the pun.) The Observer launched the valley edition almost two years ago, but, after the leadership change, decided that it no longer made sense financially. The August Free Press, it is worth mentioning, is apparently brand-new, and exists only on-line. It’s run by former Observer staff members Chris Graham and Crystal Graham, and calls itself the independent news source for Waynesboro, Staunton, and Augusta.

2 Responses to “Valley Observer Folds”

  • jz says:

    As someone who spends time in both Charlottesville and Richmond, I’ve had the fortune to have access to three good free weekly papers in Cville, The Hook, and Richmond’s Punchline. Until yesterday, that is, when Punchline announced yesterday that they are suspending publication…

  • Indie says:

    I never read the Valley Observer, basically ’cause I don’t live over there, but if the journalistic quality was anything like it’s parent publication in Charlottesville, then good riddance. Taking a quick look at their website today, they have two prominent stories on Republicans on the site’s "front page." So much for that community newspaper angle they were going for. I’m not saying it’s bad to be a Repub. (or maybe it is, but that’s another discussion), but it looks like they are emerging more fully out of the closet.

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