Yearly Archive for 2002

Page 3 of 75

Bloomfield Cheating Probe Ends

Eighteen months after it started, UVa’s honor probe into 158 students has been closed. 48 students, or 30% of the accused, were found guilty by the Honor Committee or admitted guilt, and are consequently no longer at the university. The cases against 90 students were dismissed, and the remaining 20 were worked out in other manners. The students were accused of cheating on a single term paper in Professor Louis Bloomfield‘s “How Things Work” course. They were caught after Bloomfield wrote a program, Copyfind, and used it to analyze similarities between every submitted paper. Copyfind is freely available for Windows and Linux for others to make use of. Kate Andrews has the story in today’s Progress.

Mystery Rainbow?

Semi writes: Okay, not what you normally think of as UFOs, but a strange apparition. I work at UVA Hospital, and the sound of Pegasus coming in caused me to look up, and I saw the most remarkable thing (about 2:45 pm on 11/25 as I write this). A rainbow! But not your typical Hollywood horizon-to-horizon rainbow. This one was almost straight up in the sky and I could see both ends of it, like a big C. It was nearly 180 degrees, somewhere between 120 and 150. It was not a corona (or whatever you call those dark hued rings that appear round the sun); this was a full-fledged prismatic rainbow, bending away from the sun. Unfortunately, in the ten minutes it took me to walk back to desk and get to my computer, it was practically gone. To see it, go outside and look almost straight up, just a little south and east in the general direction of the sun. Did anyone else see this? Any meteorologists on this site who can explain it? Am I just flashing back to the sixties? Curious minds want to know..

City Wants to Regulate Sex Businesses

DTag writes: The Hook has a news report in this week’s issue regarding the new zoning ordinance including regulation of sexually-oriented businesses, e.g. video stores and stores that sell sexually-related items. Jim Tolbert of Neighborhood Development and Lisa Kelley of the City Attorney’s office are taking the lead in drafting this legislation. A public hearing will take place on December 10. High points of the ordinance are the “1000 feet” rule and the definition of “adult use”.

Yankees Urge Invasion of Charlottesville

Jack writes: The New York Times (free registration required) has an article today entitled “36 Hours | Charlottesville, Va.” This article is unique in national coverage of Charlottesville as an upscale tourist destination, as the writer seems to have found the Downtown Mall. Unfortunately, no mention is given to essential tourist stops such as the White Spot or Matthew Farrell. Gems in this article include the assertation that “Jeans and quilted barn coats pass for chic in this horse-crazy town.” Note to self: mug homeless man for wardrobe.

County Lifts Water Restrictions

Two days after the city did so, the county has lifted their water restrictions. Albemarle had announced their intentions to remove them when the reservoirs were at or above 85% for one week, which they were as of Wednesday. The reservoir now stands at 91% capacity, with more rain in the forecast.
