County Lifts Car Wash Ban

The Albemarle County Service Authority has lifted their ban on car washes and power washers, WINA reports. The reservoir is now at 76% of capacity, well above the 70% level at which such restrictions were to be reconsidered. The city is reportedly considering removing their similar restrictions. I expect that Henry Weinschenk will be breaking out a bottle of the bubbly soon. :)

10 Responses to “County Lifts Car Wash Ban”

  • Indie says:

    Let the waste begin in earnest once again!

  • mmike87 says:

    Yeah, no kidding. Being able to go ahead and paint my house now that it can be powerwashed is SUCH a waste of water. A much better solution would be to let mt paint peel, the siding rot, bulldoze the house, and chop down 500 trees to build a new one. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do. Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Indie says:

    That is quite an obtuse and far-fetched analogy you are making…

  • silkyzephyr says:

    Perhaps you mean abtruse? Obtuse connotes insensitive; dull. If anything the guy who is anxious about the Citizen’s Right to Use a Powerwasher Instead of a Paint Scraper is a bit over-sensitive.

    Anyway this discussion is allelopathic. From the Greek ‘allelos’ meaning each other or one another and ‘pathos’ meaning inflicted suffering. Usually applied to plants like walnut trees which shed poisons on neighbors competing for light and water.

    Let’s back off on the toxic sarcasm. After all it was all of us together, me and you and our fellow citizens, who brought water usage down from 14 million gallons a day to less than half that, and staved off disaster (temporarily).

    Instead we should be flinging our insults at the public authorities who STILL have no plan for increasing the water supply. Nothing about tax credits for cisterns, or dredging old dams, or issuing bonds for building new ones; no effort to measure the water cost of a huge new shopping mall they approved in the face of all common sense. Nothing. Next summer we will be right back where we are now.

  • Jinkster says:

    Amen. Unless the city gets their sheet together, nothing’s gonna change…and all my lost showers won’t have helped to prevent an even worse drought next August.

  • lyle_lanley says:

    why not ask the city what they’re going to do to increase the water supply in c’ville, other than hiring local native americans to do friggin’ rain dances? and i’m sure they’re not about to lower the water rates now that the restrictions are off. always lookin’ for ways to get’cha.

  • guyincville says:

    Yea, when I went to Gold’s this morning I saw cars and cars packed into Express. Man I guess people really needed their car wash or what!

  • Paul says:

    Is it a coincidence that the average daily water usage is creeping up since the restrictions were partially lifted?

    I’m sure it’s not all car washing and paint scraping that takes nearly a million gallons per day, but people heard the restrictions were being eased, and decided to start wasting their own water.

  • Big_Al says:

    There’s a difference between "using" water and "wasting" it, don’t you think? Restrictions are being eased because the water reserves exist to accommodate use at levels above what the restrictions were employed for.

  • mmike87 says:

    It’s intentional sarcasm. The implication that any and all washing of cars and homes is by default, a "waste" is stupid.

    Painting of structures is an ESSENTIAL part of any good maintenance program. Surface preparation (cleaning) is essential to a successful paint job. Power washing is the best way, by far, of accomplishing this.

    How is protecting my already over-priced Albemarle property a waste?

    Furthermore, implying that NOT painting my house will NOT lead to wood rot is far-fetched. On my planet, water causes unprotected wood to rot. An alternative is pressure treated wood, but it’s generally impregnated with Arsenic and/or other carcinogenic chemicals.

    So, please educate me and the other folks reading this forum as to exactly what is "far fetched" about my statement.

    I will admit that the estimated number of trees is not based on any real fact, only an effort to make a point.

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