McIntire Park Open to Pedestrians

empty writes: The east side of McIntire Park is now open to non-golfers on Sundays. This part of McIntire has been a primitive golf course with sand greens for the last few decades, and has been open only to golfers. A city steering committee, which is considering redesign plans for the park, recently decided lift the golfing-only restriction from noon to 10 p.m. on Sundays. The Daily Progress (Oct 13) reports that the committee was spurred to this decision by citizens’ comments made at a July public hearing. Course supervisor Lynn Cubbage says he will not prevent golfers from using the course on Sundays, according to The Progress.

6 Responses to “McIntire Park Open to Pedestrians”

  • Lars says:

    Wait so I wasnt allowed to be there??? Coooool!

    I had no idea! If there was a sign or something it would have made me feel that much more naughty!

  • Big_Al says:

    Hm…let’s see…golfers and pedestrians together in the same area…To some, that would be considered a target-rich environment.

    Since the golfers known to frequent McIntire aren’t really known for their skils and accuracy, I’d be very cautions taking a walk if golfers are present.

  • Lafe says:

    Just remember to yell “Fore!” before the stroke, and not right before you see it’s gonna nail someone.

  • ColinC says:

    I wonder if people actually want to picnic or walk on or around a golf course, particularly if golfing is going on. Golfers aren’t likely to be deterred from using it by the presence of a few people, so what exactly is the point?

  • Cat says:

    The first line of the article reads:

    "Kite fliers and bird watchers can enjoy the McIntire Municipal Golf Course today without the worry of errant hooks and slices. "

    However, there is never a direct statement about whether golfing will or will not be allowed during those hours that the course is open to non-golfers.

    I’ve never been on the golf course. Is there something about it that makes it more desirable than any of the other parks?

  • Lars says:

    There are less trees, there are no fences or parking lots, there is easy access to this area of the park, and it is MUCH larger than other areas that are more frequented.

    I’ve never seen anyone play golf there. Golf courses that do have actual golfers are busy places, with other golfers and course employees wandering about. Why are people so concerned about safety? The world is a dangerous place, the golfer has a greater chance of being killed by lightning than your average joe walking around the course has of being injured by an errant golf ball.

    What I want to know is why did they bother announcing that this is now allowed? No action happens without suficcient pain. What motivated this action? How is it that we couldnt coast along without it?

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