UVa Woman Gets Genius Grant

UVa epidemiologist Janine Jagger has been selected as a 2002 MacArthur Fellow by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. She and the 23 other fellows will receive $500,000 over the next five years to spend any way that they see fit. The 52-year-old Jagger is described by the foundation as “a leader in the design and dissemination of means and strategies to protect health care workers from the transmission of bloodborne disease.” She intends to use the money to educate healthcare workers in developing countries. Claudia Pinto has the story in today’s Progress.

5 Responses to “UVa Woman Gets Genius Grant”

  • Lars says:

    This is my favorite:


    "Lou spent five years creating her first major work, "Kitchen" (1995). This installation is a three-dimensional, life-size, 168-square-foot replica of a typical American kitchen of the 1950s. It includes a kitchen sink, a cherry pie cooling on an oven rack, and dust balls under the refrigerator, all entirely covered in brightly colored beads. In 1997, she created a bead-encrusted environment, "Back Yard", covering 528 square feet and containing 250,000 blades of beaded grass in varying shades of green and yellow."

    Thats ***** brilliant! Why didnt *I* think of that? I guess we cant all be geniuses. I hope this woman spends her half million dollars well. On beads perhaps?

    I’m lying ofcourse… my real favorite is this:


    And his archive:


    "Paul Ginsparg is a theoretical physicist widely known for creating a computer-based system for physicists and other scientists to communicate their research results. Ginsparg’s document server represents a conscious effort to reorganize scientific communications, establishing a marketplace of ideas of new submissions with minimal editorial oversight and abundant opportunity for commentary, supporting and opposing, from other investigators. Ginsparg circumvented traditional funding and approval mechanisms by developing the software in his spare time and running it on surplus equipment. This system (informally known as “the xxx archive,” currently hosted at Cornell University at http://arxiv.org) provides a new, interactive mechanism for scientific communications that complements, and in some respects supplants, more traditional paper publications. All documents are available without charge worldwide through the internet, making the latest results available even for those without access to a good research library. Ginsparg has deliberately transformed the way physics gets done – challenging conventional standards for review and communication of research and thereby changing the speed and mode of dissemination of scientific advances."

    This is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

  • lyle_lanley says:

    wow. he got $500 Gs for building a file server. way to go, poindexter. maybe they’ll give him another $500 grand if he encrusts the case with beads.

  • Lars says:

    I don’t know if its fair to call the worlds greatest archive of scientific knowledge "a file server".

    You obviously don’t know how much it costs to subscribe to scientific journals. Even the online versions are prohibitively expensive.

  • lyle_lanley says:

    actually, i do. and i just looked at it. it’s a file server.

  • will says:

    As someone who builds file servers (amongst other things) for a living, I can definitely say that it’s a lot more than a file server. I’d suggest spending some time observing how the site works and how it relates to the scientific community. This site had actually come up in conversation with two physicist friends of mine (one from MIT and one from Princeton) and they seemed to think it was a pretty big deal.

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