Monthly Archive for July, 2002

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Council to Study New 29 Interchange

City Council intends to discuss changing the 29 & Hydraulic intersection to a grade-separated interchange at an August 5th hearing, WINA reports. SELC has long been a proponent of a change of this nature at this and other major intersections, since it could smooth the flow of traffic along Route 29 and help reduce the demand for a bypass.

Mayor: Ivy Garage a “Fundamentally Flawed Idea”

Belle writes: The City of Charlottesville has filed papers with the DEQ, asking that more accurate information about the affect UVa’s planned garage would have on local vehicular traffic The Lewis Mtn. Neighborhood Assoc. made a similar request this week. City Mayor describes the garage as a “fundamentally flawed idea” and the City Planning Director alleges that the planned garage placement would violate VDOT regulations. Eric Swensen has the story in today’s Progress. Software Upgraded

This evening, I hastily brought forth the Impending Upgrade(tm) and switched the software that runs (For the geeks out there, it was running PHP-Nuke, and now it’s running PostNuke.) I’m distinctly unhappy about this, but it had to happen. I’d hoped to be able to upgrade quite smoothly. Instead, we’ve got an ugly beige site with all kinds of weird options remaining to be configured and/or removed, new URLs that don’t even map to the old ones (translation: broken links), and I had to move the site to a new server yet again. The big change that this brings about is the end to anonymous posting. For the full scoop, click the headline, or however the heck you read the attached stories now. Note: If you already have an account, there is no need to create a new one; your old one will work just fine.

The software that I’d really hoped to switch to was Slash, or perhaps PostNuke when it got up to version 1.0. (It’s at v 0.714 right now, meaning it’s not ready for prime time.) But PostNuke is the option at hand right now, so it’s the one that we’re going with. Sucks to be us.

The biggest change in this upgrade is the demise of anonymous posting. I’d hoped that this wouldn’t ever be necessary, but ongoing abuse by a single individual has made this necessary. Consequently, user registration will be required in order to post from now on. The user registration system on PostNuke isn’t a whole heck of a lot better than it was on PHP-Nuke, so my apologies to those that will struggle with the registration process. The idea behind requiring registration is that an e-mail address is tied to each account. An e-mail address creates accountability, and also makes it possible to ban abusive users, more or less. At some point, we may try going back to anonymous posting, but I’m afraid that it just doesn’t seem possible right now.

It appears that, to some degree, collaborative post-rating is possible with PostNuke. This is A Good Thing(tm), because it means that setting those little scores by each post will not just be done by me, but by a bunch of my hand-selected minions that will surely collectively work to carry out my evil deeds.

Finally, I’m concerned that some comments may get lost in this transition. If I see any comments that were posted to the old site during this transition period, I guess I’ll cut and paste them over here or something.

When you see stuff that’s broken, please e-mail me or reply to this story (that is, if you have an account) and I’ll do my best to take care of it.

Cost of Living Higher than Poverty Line

A study by the Action Alliance for Virginia’s Children and Youth has concluded that a Charlottesville single-parent family with one pre-schooler and one infant needs an income of $35,695, or $16.90/hour. This is more than twice the $8/hour figure long promoted by living wage activists. (Though, to be fair, the living wage campaign assumes two wage-earners; this study assumes one.) The full report is available as a PDF. Bob Gibson has the story in today’s Progress.

Pandora’s Box to Open at Ivy Rd. and Emmet St

Belle writes: The Lewis Mountain Neighborhood Association has filed a petition with the Commonwealth’s DEQ, calling for a delay in this month’s planned ground-breaking for UVa’s Ivy Rd. parking garage until more study can be made on the traffic impact in the area of Ivy Rd. and Emmet St. As Eric Swensen’s story in today’s Progress illustrates, discussion of traffic there opens a Pandora’s Box of controversial issues, including: the proposed Northern Connector, access to the Arena and the Arts Precinct, the VDOT gag order, and strained relations between the City, the County Board of Supervisors, and the University. (One interesting point Swensen missed is that the University has just purchased the (current) gas station property Ivy and Emmet, which might just come in handy should they want to upgrade that intersection.)
