View from Pantops on July 4

writes: I went out to the Giant grocery store on Pantops and watched the fireworks from there. It was a great view — in fact, it seemed as though we could see fireworks over in Waynesboro or Staunton (you could see the mountain with the fireworks behind it). Looking at the paper and the list of fireworks, it also appeared that we could see the fireworks at Graves Mountain Lodge from there. There were some fireworks that might have been at Earlysville but I wasn’t sure and maybe some at Crozet (you could tell the difference between the Crozet area fireworks and those over the mountains). If anyone else has any suggestions on where I was seeing fireworks, I’d appreciate hearing about it. For a while I thought I was even seeing some faint ones from Harrisonburg. The crowd at the Giant was really nice and it was a fun way to see the fireworks.

I, too, enjoyed the view of Charlottesville, Crozet, and a few other mystery displays from just outside of town. Can anybody ID the various celebrations visible around town?

11 Responses to “View from Pantops on July 4”

  • PatrickGOP says:

    The fireworks you saw just outside of town to the west were probably Farmington. I usually go to McIntire to watch the display, but this year I went with some friends to Farmington just for a change. While the actual display of fireworks being shot off into the air wasn’t anything special, they did something halfway through the show that I though was really cool. They had this tree down at the bottom of the hill where we were sitting, and about 15 minutes into the display, the tree lit up in smoke. When the smoke cleared, the tree was shooting red, white, and blue sparks in the shape of the American flag. The whole crown errputed in applause, and it was really awesome because we thought they had screwed up and caught the tree on fire at first.

    I love the 4th of July, I think it brings out the best in America and Americans. For one day, we can bring down the barriers of ethnicity, class, religion, and so on, and come together as Americans bound by a common love of our country. We are undoubtedly the greatest nation on earth, a nation of unparalleled freedom and prosperity. When we come together and unite through patriotism and love of country, we are indestructable. The Taliban learned that the hard way last winter, and Usama Bin Laden will learn to fear a united America very soon. God Bless America!

  • Anonymous says:

    I saw the fireworks at Graves Mt Lodge. Driving 29 back into town there were fireworks not too far off to the right as we passed through Green Co.

  • Anonymous says:

    This is not the land of the free .Racism is prevalent in all this patriotism.This country is divided by class and the poor and minorities are anything but free.We have more people in prison than any country on earth.This is due to our failed “war on drugs”.Most corporate wealth in this country is controlled by a small minority of people.

  • Anonymous says:

    What is your solution?

  • joeltim says:

    This post only confirms the blatant racism in our society and the low intelligence of the author.

  • Anonymous says:

    There is sometimes a thin line between nationalism and all the other “isms” that drive intolerance and hate the world over. Comforting as it may be to be one of “Us”, it is at the cost of casting the “Other” out.

    I love , I think it brings out the best in and s. For one day, we can bring down the barriers of , and so on, and come together as s bound by a common love of our . We are undoubtedly the greatest on earth, a of unparalleled and . When we come together and unite through and love of , we are indestructable. The learned that the hard way, and will learn to fear a united very soon.

    Bless !

  • will says:

    Anonymous posting strikes again. All hail stupidity protected by anonymity!

  • Anonymous says:

    From Ashcroft I could see fireworks at McIntire, Boars Head, Farmington, and 3 other sites I could not identify. Pretty cool seeing 6 sets of fireworks and only living 15 minutes from the Mall.


  • Lafe says:

    I watched the city fireworks from a spot that overlooks McIntire Park. Our neighborhood had a pot-luck get-together which was a rousing success, but we were all sort of disappointed at the city’s fireworks display.

    They had some very nice, pretty fireworks. I think our only complaint was that it was way too short.

    A number of our neighbors were pretty upset because it was over before they thought it was supposed to begin. Some had heard from somewhere that the fireworks would be starting at 9:30, and they were done (after a whole 14 minutes) at 9:27 or so. So they weren’t prepared when the fireworks started, and only caught the last 5 minutes or so.

    We sat around for nearly 30 minutes afterwards, hoping that there would be more to the show.

    As far as the fireworks show went, I’d say last year’s was much, much better. For the whole holiday, though, I had a great one. I hadn’t seen some of those neighbors since last year.

  • Big_Al says:

    We are fortunate enough to be able to see the Farmington fireworks from our back porch, and the high-altitude McIntire Park ones as well. Both shows began about the same time, but the Park fireworks were over very quickly – it ended FAR sooner than the Farmington show.

    I have spoken with somebody who was viewing the Park fireworks from the McIntire Golf Course, which is where they shoot them from, and he reports that there was some sort of accident, and he thinks he saw at least one row of mortars toppled, which would have made them unable to be shot. That would explain the early end to the show. Apparently it ended without much of a grand finale, which is too bad – they hired Zambelli to do the show this year, and they’re one of the best.

  • Lafe says:

    An accident would indeed explain the early end to the show. And the finale was about 15 seconds, I believe…

    I wonder if anyone can tell us how long the show was supposed to last.

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