Monthly Archive for June, 2002

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Nelson House a Car Magnet

A Nelson couple had a pickup truck crash into their house on Thursday. But they weren’t particularly surprised: this kind of thing happens all the time. Earlier this year, three cars drove off the curvy road and into their car in just two weeks. Last July, a tanker full of tar ran off the road and dumped its load in front of their home, killing their dog and causing thousands of dollars in damage to their property. Despite repeated requests, VDOT refuses to put up a guardrail in front of their home, saying that it could be dangerous if a driver crashed into it. Jake Mooney has the story in today’s Progress.

Who’s Allowed in Closed Sessions?

After a representative from the League of Women Voters was invited into a recent closed session of City Council, some have started to wonder how closed session should work. Councilor Maurice Cox felt that inviting in the representative was appropriate, given that they’re “a citizen watchdog group.” Asks outgoing Councilor David Toscano, “if you allow one community group in, why not allow other community groups in…?” Councilor Meredith Richards painted it as a consequence of having meetings that are not quite closed, yet not quite open. Jake Mooney has the story in today’s Progress.

Warner Enters Garage Fray

Governor Mark Warner met with Senator Creigh Deeds and Delegate Mitch Van Yahres regarding UVa’s planned Ivy Road parking garage. Deeds and Van Yahres both favor increased local control of UVa’s growth, and sought assistance in improving relations between state institutions and localities. The Governor is concerned about setting a precedent by getting involved in a parking garage dispute, and it’s unlikely that he’ll become publicly involved in resolving the dispute. Bob Gibson has the story in today’s Progress.

Road to (for now) Nowhere

Belle writes: UVa announced today that it will begin to construct the North Grounds Connector without consultation from VDOT. The University will move ahead with this road project, which it sees as critical — like the proposed Ivy Road garage — to its ability to bring vehicular traffic to its basketball/stage entertainment arena and its proposed Arts Precinct. UVa and VDOT aren’t talking about this road design and construction because of a gag order imposed by the judge in the SELC v. VDOT (RE: Western Bypass) suit.

Proffit Truck Ban Requested

The Albemarle Supervisors voted unanimously to seek a ban on through traffic on Proffit Road by big-rig trucks, WINA reports. The road is often used as a shortcut by trucks going from Route 64 to Route 29 and seeking to avoid the bypass. The problem is that the narrow, twisty road was never constructed with tractor-trailers in mind. With Baker-Butler Elementary School opening on Proffit this August, it’s no surprise that the vote was unanimous. The request will be sent to VDOT, who will make the final decision. Peter Savodnik has a lengthier story in the Daily Progress.
