Monthly Archive for June, 2002

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Adelphia: Localities May Take Control

PorscheDude writes: My neighbor was told recently by Adelphia that it would cost $1700 to hook up cable to their house. I live 60 feet away and it cost me $50 six months ago. We live in a new ‘hood just outside of town, and both houses were pre-wired for cable. Is it any wonder that Adelphia will be out of business by the end of the summer?

The company intends to file for bankruptcy on Monday, but there’s no indication if they intend to withdraw from this or other markets. If they did leave the Charlottesville area, though, city government could get into the business of running the cable system. The city will soon begin a study of area cable needs to see how Adelphia measures up. David Dadurka has the story in today’s Progress.

Living Wage and Marriott: What’s the latest?

writes: So I’ve passed by the Marriot on West Main the last few fridays, and guess what? No protesters encouraging motorists to operate their warning sounders! Has the living wage crowd simply given up, or has there perhaps been some progress getting Mariott to pay up?

Clear Channel Axes Local Show

Clear Channel has given the boot to 107.5 FM morning show duo Vinny Kice and Brooke Shealy. A week ago today was their final show; instead, the station will now use voice tracking to import a Texas-based Clear Channel morning team, “Kidd Kraddick in the Morning,” but make it sound as if the show is local. The FCC is investigating the acquisition, as it’s thought to give Clear Channel an unfair dominance over the local market. The Hook has the story in this week’s issue. For more information on Clear Channel from a more jaded perspective, see the brand-new

Why is Our Tap Water So Horrible?

I’ve never thought of myself as a water snob. I’ve drunk from some pretty fetid water sources all along the Appalachian Trail. I eschew bottled water, and I’d never met tap water that I didn’t like…until I moved into Charlottesville from Free Union a few years ago. Our water is disgusting. Every now and again, some foolhardy guest will help themselves to a glass of tap water, and they’re invariably disgusted. I’ve discussed this with fellow Charlottesvillians, and people nearly always agree that it’s gross. Do cvillenewsers have the same take on it? Why is our water so awful?

Nordenson Pleads Guilty to Capital Murder

Craig Nordenson, who shot and killed two people at the downtown coal tower last August [1,2,3,4], has pleaded guilty to capital murder. The plea bargain assures that Nordenson will spend his life in prison, with no chance of parole. Adrienne Schwisow has the story in today’s Progress.
