The Karma of Literature

writes: Visit This is a “catch and release” site for books – its similar to the Yellow Bike Program. It’s a global sociology experiment that is the brainchild of a group of KC-based computer consultants. tries to encourage people to experience “The Karma of Literature”. The idea is that you find a book you like, go to their web site and register it, slap the recommended label inside the book’s cover, and then leave it somewhere! The label says, “Please read me, I’m not lost. I’m travling around trying to make friends.” You can even leave hints to others about where you placed it. I just checked their website and so far there have been 25 releases right here in C’ville.

7 Responses to “The Karma of Literature”

  • Anonymous says:

    Make that 26 releases right here in C’ville. My book, “Birdseed Cookies: A Fractured Memoir” is listed on that site as having been released on the mall during the book festival. Don’t know where it went from there.

    This is a great idea – I just wish I’d find one of these bookcrossing books around town.

    Janis Jaquith

  • will says:

    Wow, what a cool idea! Now I know what I’m doing this weekend: trying to hunt one of those down.

  • Anonymous says:

    should we put them so other cvillenewers can join the fun. I say the downtown coffehouses

  • Anonymous says:

    I am in! I will put mine next to the very next yellow bike I see

  • Belle says:

    Anonymous writes: “I will put mine next to the very next yellow bike I see.”

    That’s the second mention of the bike program in this thread. Has anyone seen an official (quarterly?) progress report on this public/private project?

  • Anonymous says:

    Why don’t you go look that up for us, Belle?

  • I’m really curious about the statistics on this thing. it’s a glorious idea, but it would be interesting to see how many books actually get noted as having changed hands even once, let alone more. I don’t doubt people pick the books up, but does the journal entry thing really fly?

    All they have are stats on books released and most active members and whatnot. they do list a “successful releases” leader board for users, but it would be cool to see the most successful books too. Have I just missed where to find this info (without looking at an individual book record)?

    Word of mouth is of course important.. people will be more likely to use it properly if they’ve heard of it before.

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