Proffit Truck Ban Requested

The Albemarle Supervisors voted unanimously to seek a ban on through traffic on Proffit Road by big-rig trucks, WINA reports. The road is often used as a shortcut by trucks going from Route 64 to Route 29 and seeking to avoid the bypass. The problem is that the narrow, twisty road was never constructed with tractor-trailers in mind. With Baker-Butler Elementary School opening on Proffit this August, it’s no surprise that the vote was unanimous. The request will be sent to VDOT, who will make the final decision. Peter Savodnik has a lengthier story in the Daily Progress.

2 Responses to “Proffit Truck Ban Requested”

  • Anonymous says:

    keep on truckin’

  • Anonymous says:

    Having lived in the Chesterfield neighborhood for 3 years, I’m not sure that baning tractor-trailers would help very much. I’ve noticed that many trucks on Proffit from Rt 20 seem to turn onto Polo Grounds Road. Most large trucks going to 29 seem to come from Better Living Building Supplies. Most of those trucks drive pretty slowly though. The real problem, in my opinion, seems to be the UPS trucks that fly through there, often times coming over the line while going through the tight twists just past the one-lane bridge. While a nuisance, the tractor-trailers are not the big safety issue in my opinion, but the smaller, faster trucks like the ones used by UPS.

    Improving sections of Proffit Rd. would seem to make more sense at this point. You have a large elementary school and a building supply center on a small country road. An accident is very possible when you consider the size of the loads that some of these trucks have to carry (roof trusses tend to stick out quite far from the side of the trailers) and the lack of shoulders. I would like to see the road widened from 29 to the school at the very least.

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