City Council to Discuss Transfer Station

Belle writes: WINA is reporting that the hot topic for tonight’s City Council meeting is the proposed placement of the bus transfer station at the east end of the Mall; this placement is part of a larger plan to redesign the east end of the Mall. WINA reports that City Mayor Blake Caravati is confident that more city residents will support the project and its location once they see the plans.

These plans have been debated for a few months now. Presumably, a vote is going to happen before too long.

3 Responses to “City Council to Discuss Transfer Station”

  • Belle says:

    Waldo writes: “These plans have been debated for a few months now. Presumably, a vote is going to happen before too long.

    WINA is reporting that Council will make a vote on June 27th.

    Today’s Daily Progress article by Jake Mooney marks July 1st for the vote (but perhaps these are different votes?):

    Later in the meeting, the council took the first step toward allocating some $6.5 million in state and federal grant money for the renovation of the mall’s eastern end. At issue Monday was a $1 million allocation to pay for work on the project so far, including architectural fees.

    The money comes in the form of public transit grants, which city government plans to harness for the mall renovation by building a bus transfer station next to the Downtown Amphitheater. The plan also would turn East Seventh Street into a dead end, open only for parking.

    Councilors moved and seconded the proposal to allocate the $1 million; a final vote is scheduled for their next meeting, July 1.

    In comments at the beginning of the meeting, three city residents argued against the project, calling it a waste of money that would ruin the character of the area in front of City Hall by removing green space.

    Councilor David J. Toscano, who heads the committee working on the redesign, countered by calling the area in its current state “a sea of asphalt.”

    Representatives of the Downtown Business Association and the Alliance for Community Choice in Transportation endorsed the transfer station proposal, arguing in part that it will bring visitors to downtown and riders to public transit.

    Councilors generally were supportive, though Lynch called the proposed station too large and said he would rather see the grant money spread among smaller facilities around the city.

    “What this does for Joe CTS Rider is questionable,” Lynch said. “It doesn’t add to the usefulness of public transit.”

  • Anonymous says:

    No, they’re the same vote. I … er, Jake … just assumed that the next council meeting was the first Monday of the month, like usual. If there’s a special meeting on the 27th, though, they likely will vote then. The point of this all, in government jargon, was that Monday was the first reading of the appropriation, and they’ve got to do a second reading at (presumably) their next meeting to make it official.

  • Big_Al says:

    I hear that railroad train a-coming. Better get out of its way!

    I really think we ought to do things like they do in New Orleans: Include on public works projects a cornerstone listing the names of the mayor, city councillors, city managers, and others who caused something to be built. That way they can accept the glory or shame eternally!

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