64 Magazine to Fold

After a scant two and a half years of publication, Richmond’s 64 magazine is going under. The popular arts and culture magazine enjoyed strong support from the business and arts communities, and won several major awards during its tenure. Their July issue will be the final one, unless something happens to save the publication. Bob Rayner has the story in today’s Progress.

3 Responses to “64 Magazine to Fold”

  • Anonymous says:

    What magazine?? Never heard of it.

  • I picked up a 64 shortly after moving here about 20 months ago. It had unbearably cute Tina Fey (saturday night live) on the cover. apparently she’s a UVa grad. so I’m thinking hey, terribly witty lady, cover story, what could be wrong with that? The “cover story” turned out to be a one page “interview” that consisted of somebody phoning her to find out she had just woken up and wasn’t really in the mood for an interview. Even worse, the interviewer claimed to know her and really kind of got the brush-off during this phone call. It was embarrassing, uncomfortable, and stupid.

    And it made the cover.

    I carry a wee bit of shame for not giving it a second chance, but that kind of thing makes me feel like they must think I’m a total moron. Even total morons don’t like to get cheated by the same people repeatedly. I never gave it a second look.

    But I did always think the logo was tasteful and sharp. go logo.

  • Anonymous says:

    64 magazine, based out of richmond, was meant to connect the disparate art and music communites stretched out across this state. it sucked up to banks and corporations for money and never seemed to catch on while retaining a non-profit status. which was its main problem. owner and editor laura wycoff (who also started Richmond’s horendous sucky Style/Ukrops magazine) sucked too much ass to be respected by anyone. When youre a pawn of the banks and corporations that fund your operation, you’re less likely to create a dynamic and intiguing product for mass consumption. how many bruce hornsby covers were there?

    the writers did an ok job with the stories they were given, but all in all–the magazine was one big blow fart for wachovia bank. and everyone knew it.

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