Anonymous writes “So has been up a while and seems to have a pretty decent crowd of regulars. But how about some numbers on the visitors the site sees? How much traffic does cvillenews get?” Keep reading for the answer.
The server that I host on is in a bad way, and lacks anything in the way of decent logging tools and such. As a matter of fact, the drive that records logs ran out of space a few weeks ago, so I’m missing a few weeks of logs. So I’ve written a few shell scripts to extract some data from the log files, and I hope that this will suffice.
We’ll start off with the most useless of all statistics: hits. gets between 1,000 – 9,000 hits per day. An average weekday sees about 4,000 hits.
We’ll take yesterday as an example to look more closely at a regular day. There were 6,900 hits from 263 unique users. About half of those users are from known-local addresses:,,,,,,,,,,,, etc. etc. About a quarter come from possibly-local users connecting via,,,, etc. And the remaining quarter came from interesting places like and and unresolvable IP addresses. Some of our most regular users here come from that last bunch, mostly C’ville expatriates, from what I’ve gathered on the boards.
Taking a step back to the last week we see 1,033 unique users. (Due to dial-up modem users with ever-changing Internet addresses, that’s probably more like 800 or so.) The population increases to just over 2,000 if you look at a month. The conclusion that I draw from this is that we have a core group of a few hundred users that visit “obsessively” (see the recent poll on the topic), a thousand or so that visit regularly, and folks that discover the site and promptly forget it. (Or run screaming to the relatively safety of the streets after reading the discussions.)
Weekends are the slowest for traffic (and posts, consequently), as a sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy: why should I add news to the site, since nobody looks at the site on the weekends? So, of course, nobody looks at the site on weekends because there’s nothing new. Oh, well.
As long as I’m spouting statistics, I may as well point out how most people get here. The vast majority of visitors (well over 75%) simply type in the address or use a bookmark. This is good, because it means that random people aren’t finding the site due to crazy search terms in Google and wasting my bandwidth. Which leads me to search engines. None of them lead here except for Google. We get some pretty crazy results. Here are some recent terms that brought up in Google and led people here:
Meadowcreek Parkway
meredith richards
ClearChannel monopoly
D&R Development
Gaylon Beights
Lee Danielson
aolian islands
bike box portland maine airport
curfew law scenario
Charlottesville local news
charlottesville recycling
david allen coe cum stains
domestic terrorism charlottesville
hook charlottesville
ice-cream environment vermont
ron martin appliances charlottesville
ludicrous mike tyson quote
cville weekly paper
Colin Rolph
oxymoron sculptures
why northerners suck
labor action group Charlottesville
Maurice Jones Virginia Charlottesville
michael spicer tortola
Charlottesville local news
Gaylon Beights
Judah Friedlander everyday video
Reid Nagle SNL Securities
cville waldo
george loper
kevin armstrong
law professor abraham student
malicious wounding law
progress on the budget with city council 2003
martin luther king plagerism thesis
Anyhow, that’s pretty much the basic data that I can easily extract from these log files. I hope to get the site moved to a new server at my apartment in the next week or two, and I should be able to get some more useful data from that.
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