Dems. Mull Over Loss

In the wake of Republican Rob Schilling’s narrow victory over Democrat Alexandria Searls for City Council on Tuesday, the Democratic Party is trying to figure out what went wrong. Party co-chair Lloyd Snook says that the party has “gotten lazy.” Mayor Blake Caravati feels that they “didn’t get energized as a party.” But Councilor Maurice Cox believes that the party is at fault for failing to run an issues-oriented campaign, and suggested that Democrats for Change should have “a chance at the leadership. We talk a very good talk about getting the young generation, and we saw that kind of enthusiasm during our nominating convention, but if you look, they’re not leading the party…there is a younger group that are hard workers, that have brought new energy and ideas.” Says Snook of stepping down from his position, “If somebody else wants to take the headaches, I�m not likely to arm wrestle them for it.” Jake Mooney has the story in today’s Progress.

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