Orange Supervisors Approve Strip Mine

The Orange County Board of Supervisors have approved a permit requested by General Shale Brick to strip mine 89 acres in Barboursville. The 3-1 vote came despite a tremendous outcry from concerned citizens, who intend to file a lawsuit against the county for their decision. The proposed site for the shale mine is within 1,000 feet of 30 homes, in the Madison-Barbour Historic District. The Friends of Barboursville, an organization created to oppose the mining operation, has an excellent website with lots of details. Keri Schwab has the story in today’s Progress.

9 Responses to “Orange Supervisors Approve Strip Mine”

  • Anonymous says:

    Monkeywrench Gang, anyone?

  • will says:

    Monkeywrench Gang? What’s that?

  • Anonymous says:

    My guess is a “earthfirst” like response is what the poster is lightly suggestion. I take it for humor, as it has been graded.

  • Anonymous says:

    What with you and that works with horses lot, you gotta know Greek to read this page.

    Now, a gang of horse workers, get Borgmeyer and Mooney on it — they’ll tear that sucker up!

  • Anonymous says:

    Just remember: Searls is not Fenton.

    Doesn’t Borgmeyer own several businesses on the mall?

  • Anonymous says:

    Oh, wait. John doesn’t think you can “own” anything. To wit (from George Loper’s web page):

    “To many people, the idea that one person can ‘own’ any portion of the Earth is laughable. Although it seems heretical in America, it’s easy to see the ridiculousness of private property — it’s possible to exchange green slips of paper for the right to call a few acres of billion-year old rock “yours.” It speaks to human arrogance.”

    Bwaaaahahahaha! One thing I know for sure: Cumtowel would “own” Borgmeyer’s little punk band in any head-to-head competition.


  • Anonymous says:

    cumm-towell rulz!!!!! those guys are the bombpiece

  • Anonymous says:

    I agree! Has anyone else out there heard “The Flagsfield Sessions” yet? They are rokkin!

    Gary Huey

  • Anonymous says:

    That the thing to do!

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