Danielson and Rolph Split Properties

At a Tuesday auction, developers Lee Danielson and Colin Rolph split up the properties once owned by their company, D&R Development. Danielson purchased the vacant block in the middle of the Mall, the former Central Fidelity Bank building and their ice park in Fredericksburg. Rolph bought the Charlottesville Ice Park, the Regal Cinema and the Exchange Center. Says Danielson, “Downtown Charlottesville has so much promise, and I’m pleased to be a part of its future.” Jake Mooney has the story in today’s Progress.

24 Responses to “Danielson and Rolph Split Properties”

  • Big_Al says:

    Maybe now something can be done with the vacant buildings in the Wachovia block. Those are really detracting from the Mall. It will be nice to have them come back to life.

  • Waldo says:

    Those are really detracting from the Mall.

    Only because Danielson threw out the tenants and boarded them up. (The stores, not the tenants.) He did that for this very reason: he wanted people to say “oh, that old block? Tear it down!”

    The worst part is that it’s working.

  • Big_Al says:

    That’s a good point – I had totally forgotten about that. Hey waitaminute – it really IS working!

  • Anonymous says:

    Good. Those old buildings are quite ugly… I would love to see something else in there.

  • Anonymous says:

    This’ll be great theatre, watching Lee Danielson trying to play bully-boy, once again. The problem is, come May, he won’t have David Toscano on the City Council to carry his water anymore.

    Any bets on who (if anyone) on the Council will do Danielson’s bidding this time?

  • Anonymous says:

    If anyone and this is a big if-Caravati. The only other person would be Richards.

  • Anonymous says:

    Searls owns a business on the downtown mall… to whom does she pay rent?

  • Anonymous says:

    Searls owns a business on the downtown mall

    Are you sure about that? What business? Exactly where is it located?

  • Anonymous says:

    Searls owns a business on the downtown mall… to whom does she pay rent?

    Give us a hint,whydontcha?!

  • Waldo says:

    Searls owns a business on the downtown mall

    No she doesn’t.

  • Anonymous says:

    Sounds to me as if someone is confusing Alexiandria Searls with Joan Fenton, who does own a business on The Downtown Mall.

  • will says:

    Several, actually.

  • Anonymous says:

    Several, actually

    Since when does one (poster) equal “several”?

  • Anonymous says:

    Several businesses on The Downtown Mall, not several posters.

  • Anonymous says:

    This thread is the funniest thing I’ve read all day. Tell me again how uninformed the reporters at the Progress are …

    They’ve got nothing on you guys.

  • Anonymous says:

    What? Where did the word “poster” come from? This thread is getting ridiculous. : )

  • Anonymous says:

    Fenton is the smart, confident woman who ran for City Council.

    Searls is the smart, nervous woman who’s running for City Council.

    Get it straight.

  • Anonymous says:

    This thread is the funniest thing I’ve read all day. Tell me again how uninformed the reporters at the Progress are …

    They’ve got nothing on you guys.

    So this is what it has come to: feeling proud that the stable of Regress news reporters produces copy which is at least better than that seen in a chat forum thread chock full of confusion and sentence fragments.

    Perhaps some on this site are indeed more inclined to take notice of what they think are the weaknesses of our local daily. I’d like to start a discussion of the good points, or strengths, of the Progress. I’ll kick it off, and see if it gathers interest:

    I like Bryan McKenzie’s contributions, and those of David Maurer.

  • Anonymous says:

    >So this is what it has come to: feeling proud >that the stable of Regress news reporters >produces copy which is at least better than that >seen in a chat forum thread chock full of >confusion and sentence fragments.

    I tell you what, man: if I was leaving this shitball town for a place roughly 200 times bigger, I’d be pretty psyched.

  • Anonymous says:

    I’d like to start a discussion of the good points, or strengths, of the Progress.

    I like Ann Landers . . . or is it Dear Abby (damn, I can never keep those sisters straight).

  • Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the unbiased opinion, Max Fenton.

  • Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the unbiased opinion, Max Fenton.

    The next meeting of Paranoids Anonymous will be held at . . .

    I thought that comment comparing Searls and Fenton was quite funny — and accurate!

  • Anonymous says:

    You know what? That’s actually pretty accurate. I saw Searls last weekend walking down Jefferson St toward Lee Park, and she looked like she was waiting for somebody to jump out from between the cars to steal her purse or something.

  • Anonymous says:

    > Thanks for the unbiased opinion, Max Fenton.

    This comment was meant to be a joke, so please settle down out there. :)

    Besides, we all know that Waldo has a crush on Max’s mom anyway.

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