Times-Dispatch Criticizes City’s Handling of Attacks

In yesterday’s Richmond Times-Dispatch, writer A. Barton Hinkle has an editorial entitled “Town vs. Gown: In Charlottesville, Respect for Principle Takes a Beating.” Hinkle says that “reaction to the attacks and the revelations about the stated motive epitomize a soft-headed, morally muddled double standard,” going on to say that “if Virginia’s hate-crime statute would be invoked in whites-on-blacks assaults, then shrinking from invoking it – shrinking from even raising the question – in blacks-on-whites assaults amounts to a rejection of equal treatment.” The piece is the strongest criticism to date of the city’s handling of the recent attacks.

3 Responses to “Times-Dispatch Criticizes City’s Handling of Attacks”

  • Anonymous says:

    The Times-Dispatch‘s links expire after a week or so — but a copy of this editorial has already been “archived” here on cvillenews.com.

  • Anonymous says:

    There’s a cartoon by Tim McNabb here which has much the same critical sentiment.

  • Anonymous says:

    I suppose Caravati would, if asked for a reponse to this editorial, say that A. Barton Hinkle is “way off base” and “divisive” — just like he thinks Schilling is, or anyone else who thinks the way the City has handled this has been anything but good.

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