NPR on Charlottesville Attacks

writes: On NPR’s Morning Edition yesterday, Adam Hochberg reported on a rash of assaults in Charlottesville, Virginia, by town teenagers on local university students. Some say the attacks are typical town-and-gown tension. Others say race plays into the situation, since the teens are black and the victims are white, Asian and Indian. You can listen to the story here (a RealAudio stream).

6 Responses to “NPR on Charlottesville Attacks”

  • Anonymous says:

    There was a related story in the Cavalier Daily (03/21/02).

  • Anonymous says:

    The David Duke crowd is now trying to paint Rev. Alvin Edwards as a possible source of incitement to violence:

    “If his sermons incited these Black teens to attack Whites we want to know it, and put a stop to it.

  • Waldo says:

    Thanks for mentioning that, Anonymous — I went ahead and put that up on the front page.

  • Waldo says:

    Here’s my favorite quote. It’s from 3:42-4:02, and from retired factory worker (and presumably Charlottesville resident) Jim Burton:

    “We really don’t have a problem here. I think what happened here was somebody just blew this all out of proportion. I believe this was just kids being kids. I don’t think they intended to hurt anybody. They were just misinterpreted.”

  • Anonymous says:

    Here’s my favorite quote . . .

    Jeez — this would be funny if it weren’t so tragic.

    I’m really afraid that the reporter selected this guy (Burton) and this quote because they were representative of the views of the “committees” crowd. Please say it ain’t so.

    I only hope the courts and (potential) juries see past such nonsense, find guilty those whom they deem responsible, and punish them appropriately.

  • Anonymous says:

    KIDS BEING KIDS???? GIVE ME A BREAK. It was a vicious attack and should be treated as such. What

    a jerk.


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