Skydiver Dies in Louisa

Maryland skydiver Bob Kresge died at Louisa County airfield on Saturday. The reportedly-experienced skydiver’s parachute collapsed about 50 feet above the ground, while he was making a small turn. A representative from the sheriff’s office descirbed it as “a freak accident.” Austin Graham has the story in today’s Progress.

8 Responses to “Skydiver Dies in Louisa”

  • Anonymous says:

    What does being a freak have to do with it?

  • Anonymous says:

    As a member of Charllotsvilles diverse freak comunity I take offense to the term ‘freak accident’. Instead they should be called “bush acidents” because George Bush is a neener-neener!

  • Anonymous says:

    As a member of Charllotsvilles diverse freak comunity I take offense to the term ‘freak accident’. Instead they should be called “bush acidents” because George Bush is a neener-neener!

    Aren’t you up a bit late for a school night? You wouldn’t want your parents to catch you and take the computer out of your bedroom.

  • Anonymous says:

    Yes, you should never make fun of death. That person is a minority. Those people who jump out of perfectly good airplanes for the thrill of cheating death!

  • Anonymous says:

    “bush acidents”? as far as I know you are the first person to ever accuse Bush of taking acid. Are you sure that wasn’t you?

  • Anonymous says:

    I wouldn’t characterize skydiving as the “thrill of cheating death.” The thrill of flying, perhaps, or the serenity and quiet of floating on the air, far above the noisy, chaotic world, perhaps, but cheating death isn’t really part of the makeup of the typical skydiver.

  • Anonymous says:

    I wouldn’t characterize . . .

    Have you ever been around annoying children before? If so, you’ll remember the most effective way to deal them is to IGNORE them. You might try this tried-and-true tactic here, when the immature folks post nonsense.

  • Anonymous says:

    yeah and we got you to!

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