School Board Won’t Reconsider Preschool Move

Last night, several city residents asked the Charlottesville School board to reconsider their January vote to transfer city preschoolers from the Jefferson School into smaller schools throughout the city. In particular, Kenneth Martin suggested that there be a one-year delay before transferring the kids. But the 4-3 split from the original vote remained, with only Muriel Wiggins, Olivia Boykin, and Julie Gronlund interested in a revote. WINA has the story.

4 Responses to “School Board Won’t Reconsider Preschool Move”

  • Anonymous says:

    This isn’t the accurate story. Wiggins merely asked for a vote for having a conversation about the possibility of staying at Jefferson or returning to Jefferson. Some of the Board have been so persuaded to close their minds that they cannot even agree to asking for more facts on the future possibilities. Condos by Maurice anyone?

  • Anonymous says:

    Alexandra Searls is riding this issue all the way to City Council. When is the black community going to realize that she is just using us to get power for herself? When are we going to focus on the REAL problems facing black Charlottesville?

  • Anonymous says:

    When are we going to focus on the REAL problems facing black Charlottesville?

    Like what? Some will say that this is a ‘real’ issue.

  • Anonymous says:

    has there been ANY evidence provided by kenneth martin and others to show that warehousing all the poor kids in one school (as opposed to integrating them into the neighborhood schools) improves their chances of success? couldn’t you make the argument that giving the kids more individualized treatment in the neighborhood schools might actually IMPROVE their educational outlook? “save jefferson school!” makes for a popular rallying cry but let’s look at this issue a little more critically, shall we?

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