UVa Recieves 4th Bomb Threat?

For the fourth time in two weeks, UVa appears to have received a bomb threat. Just like last Friday, the threat this time was made against Cabell Hall. The building is closed off, wrapped in police tape. A police officer at the scene would only say that students that were to have exams in Cabell today should expect that they’re not going to happen; he would not confirm or deny that the cause of the shut-down was a bomb threat. Just yesterday, 18-year-old Danielle Carr — an O-Hill employee — was arrested and charged with making a similar threat against the dining hall. Today’s Cavalier Daily reports that she is not a suspect in the other threats.

5 Responses to “UVa Recieves 4th Bomb Threat?”

  • fdr says:

    Of course, no UVa student would call in a bomb threat to avoid an exam; the honor code prevents that. It’s so unfair to all the students, who no doubt have all been preparing for weeks for their exams….

  • Anonymous says:

    I’m a UVA student who had an exam this morning in Cabell Hall. After being turned away by police, I went to the library and checked my email. It turned out that my class was meeting on the steps of the Rotunda. So, I took my exam while propped against a big, old column, on a beautidul spring day, with Cabell Hall in the distance and police and media helicopters overhead.

  • Anonymous says:

    We have media helicopters????

  • Anonymous says:

    Maybe it was Pegasus or a police copter.

  • Anonymous says:

    There was one state police helicopter and one from Fox news, which I assume is out of Richmond.

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