Teenage Woman Charged with UVa Bomb Threat

18-year-old Danielle Patrice Carr has been charged with making a written bomb threat at UVa’s O-Hill dining hall. The threat resulted in the evacuation of the dining hall last Friday. WINA has the story. The threat is the third in the last three weeks (provided that WINA isn’t confusing this with the Cabell Hall threat on the same day) — the other two remain unsolved.

1 Response to “Teenage Woman Charged with UVa Bomb Threat”

  • Waldo says:

    In today’s Cavalier Daily, Martin Oliver writes:

    Carr is not suspected of perpetrating the bomb threats on Cabell and Wilson Halls on Friday or the threat on the Aquatic & Fitness Center last month, University Police Sgt. Melissa Fielding said.

    “This incident was totally separate and, as far as we know, not related to other bomb threats,” Fielding said.

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