Dave Grant Passes On

dirty-mall-bum writes: Dave Grant, bassist for The Guano Boys and The Freewill Savages (amongst many other bands) died in a tragic accident on Tuesday, March 5, 2002. I’m stricken beyond words, and the thoughts and wishes of the Cville music community go out to his family. Music lost a jewel on Tuesday.

4 Responses to “Dave Grant Passes On”

  • Waldo says:

    Reed Williams has a story about Dave in today’s Daily Progress.

  • Anonymous says:

    Here it is. This is such a sad story.

    By the way, Waldo, do you have a problem with people posting entire stories like this, like for bandwidth reasons or something? It seems like the best available way to let people read Progress stories, short of assasinating whomever at Media General refuses to pay for a real web site.


    Daily Progress staff writer

    Guano Boys bass player and local radio host David Grant was remembered Wednesday as a gifted and versatile musician, a kind and gregarious lover of life.

    “He was definitely a musician,” said Charlie Pastorfield, a long-time friend of Grant’s who plays guitar for Alligator and Big Circle and bass for Skip Castro Band. “That extended all the way into his personality. He sort of had a pirate quality in him. He really liked being alive.”

    Grant, 46, died Tuesday while working on a construction site in Buckingham County. He was testing soil in a six-foot-deep hole, probably crouching and recording information, when a bulldozer driver who thought the hole was empty began filling it, State Police said.

    “He was literally buried alive,” Trooper Danny Williams said. “By the time they got to him, he had already suffocated.”

    When the bulldozer operator, who police said worked for Palmyra-based Scott’s Backhoe Service, noticed a rod sticking out of the dirt, he began suspecting something was wrong and ran to consult someone on the soil-testing team, Williams said. By the time they returned, 15 minutes had passed.

    The workers tried digging. Then someone ran for a shovel. Next, they dug a trench and, after another 15 or 20 minutes, removed Grant’s body, Williams said.

    Officials from Scott’s Backhoe could not be reached Wednesday.

    Friends said Grant loved everything about nature, from trees to soil. He liked all types of music and has played with several local bands and, occasionally, with musicians from other countries.

    Pastorfield called him a “have gun will travel stand-up bassist” whose “name had gotten around, [someone who was] able to play almost anything. He listened to everything, so he could play everything.”

    “He’s just a guy who was wide awake and very much alive,” Pastorfield added.

    Ryan Hughes, a part-time member of Guano Boys, said: “He was, in my opinion, the best bass player in town. He was probably the most humble, but the best.”

    It was unclear Wednesday how Grant’s death would affect the future of Guano Boys, which plays Caribbean and reggae music. The band’s lead singer, Chris Leva, could not be reached for comment.

    Grant also was co-host of a world music show called “Radio Tropicale” on the University of Virginia’s station, WTJU-91.1 FM.

    The station’s general manager, Chuck Taylor described Grant as a “very laid back person, very friendly.”

    Grant is survived by his wife Darlene Crawford and son, 11-year-old Ryan Grant.

  • Waldo says:

    By the way, Waldo, do you have a problem with people posting entire stories like this, like for bandwidth reasons or something? It seems like the best available way to let people read Progress stories, short of assasinating whomever at Media General refuses to pay for a real web site.

    I do only in that it’s a violation of Media General’s copyright. Because I have no control over what people post, I bear no legal responsibility for that copyright violation, but I must still discourage it, as helpful as it is when those articles are posted. Perhaps I should ask Media General for blanket permission to reproduce their articles, but I have a strong feeling that won’t go over so well.

  • Anonymous says:

    You’ll be lucky if they even reply. Or unlucky, as it were.

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