Police Searching for Carjacker

Police are searching for a suspect in a carjacking and a robbery that took place this afternoon. Around 1:30, a black male at MailBoxes Etc. on 29 North threatened a women with a knife before making off with her car. He’s described as 6′ tall, 200-250lbs and having a light moustache and beard. The car is a pewter-colored 2000 Cherolet Blazer with the plate “RIPPLFX.” The story is from WINA.

1 Response to “Police Searching for Carjacker”

  • Anonymous says:

    Scary stuff — being in broad daylight and at a busy place with lots of potential witnesses and with only a difficult, traffic-clogged getaway route. Strikes me as being an impulse crime (drug-crazed?), or one having been committed by someone in a hurry to flee the scene from another crime.

    It would be hard to blame the victim is she didn’t now go out and get a CCW permit to protect herself (screw the “property”), given that the perp wanted to bring her along to a second crime scene where god knows what would have been done to her. She was smart to refuse this.

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