Fashion Square Wants to Expand

Fashion Square Mall is has requested permission to expand. They’ve asked the Board of Supervisors to permit them to get rid of 600 parking spaces to make space to add more retail space. The BOS will discuss that at their 7pm meeting this evening. WINA has the story.

9 Responses to “Fashion Square Wants to Expand”

  • Waldo says:

    I love the photo on their website — a couple going up a mall escalator. We’ve got just one escalator in town, and that’s not it.

    Fashion Square was bought by the Simon chain a few years ago. That photo really embodies how much interest that they have in Charlottesville.

  • Anonymous says:

    at a minimum. One is in everyone favorite craft shop in Barracks Road and another at the airport. Any others out there? or does the county not count since it’s not the town. But then again Fashion Square is in the county. I’m sorry, what was the story about?

  • james says:

    considering the opinions of most people i know,

    charlottesville doesnt have a very strong interest

    in them either. are they really popular enough to

    expand? ive only been to fashion square twice in

    the past 4 years, but i’d heard a lot of talk about

    how they werent doing so well.

  • Anonymous says:

    Well, nearly everyone I know travels out to either Richmond or Fredericksburg to do any serious shopping. Even Lynchburg has a better rap than C’ville (and they have a Hecht’s!). If you are lucky, you can hit a good sale at Belk (but emphasis on lucky), if you are overweight, there’s Lane Bryant, nothing else and for appliances you are stuck with Sears, Ron Martin or Lowe’s. Let’s face it, for nearly everything that you could use, you can find more selections out of town.

    If a girl can dream, I’d love to have a Kohl’s or Target nearby without having to drive to Richmond. (On the other hand, it’s a great way to get in a visit with friends, and do some other Richmond things.)

  • Anonymous says:

    You would think that Fashion Square management might want to consider filling the vacant store fronts with worthwhile businesses before adding on (more vacant storefronts)!!


  • Big_Al says:

    Having held my nose and gone to FSM this past Xmas season, it was extremely difficult to find a space there – I can’t imagine what it will be like during peak times with 600 fewer spaces.

  • Anonymous says:

    where is it?

  • Anonymous says:

    at Michael’s in barracks road…

  • Krues8dr says:

    Notice that there’s actually a random image generator, which brings up one of many images *not* of our less-favorite mall. (Try clicking refresh a few times.) And, of course, they’re just placeholders, anyway… look at any other mall in simon, and they have the same picture set. cheap code. blech.

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