State Gov’t Internet Rankings

The Center for Digital Government has ranked the top 25 e-government-enabled states, and Virginia has ranked…nothing. We didn’t even make the list. Rankings were based on states’ “utilization of digital technologies to deliver services to citizens.” Our offerings are pretty meager in that department, unfortunately. (Our e-government site was last updated the day that it was launched, in May of 2000.) The big winners were Illinois and Kansas. And we’rethe digital dominion?”

4 Responses to “State Gov’t Internet Rankings”

  • Munk says:

    Um. There’s only 50 states, so we had like a one in two chance. And still didn’t make it? Wow, thanks VPTC.

  • Anonymous says:

    Blaming the VPTC for these rankings is probably the most ignorant thing I’ve ever heard anyone say on this subject.

    First: The VPTC is more concerned with the Charlottesville-Albemarle area and the surrounding counties; hence the “Virginia Piedmont” part of “VPTC.” The VPTC is also part of the VTA (Virginia Technology Alliance) which is a loose association of the regional tech councils. The rankings reflect the status of technology-enabled state government services; to blame one regional tech council for the entire state’s problems is narrow-minded and ill-informed.

    Second: If you don’t agree with what the VPTC is doing, then no one is stopping you from paying dues, joining VPTC, volunteering on a committee, and actually doing some work for the tech community in which you are a member. VPTC exists due to the efforts of those in the tech community that actually give a crap about what happens and have the guts and the work ethic to do something about it. The VPTC can only be responsive to your needs and goals as a member of the tech community if you actually communicate those needs in a productive way instead of making asinine, uninformed remarks in a forum such as this.

    Bottom line: A) VPTC has a very, very, very small role in something that affects the state as a whole; B) Get off the sidelines and get involved in VPTC — pony up and pay dues; if you already pay dues, then stop whining and get involved with something that will make a change for you and your business.

  • Waldo says:

    Naw, the VPTC doesn’t have anything to do with this. This is good ol’-fashioned hard-headed Virginia government. I suspect that having Warner as governor may change that. Obviously, as you can see from the Virginia e-gov’t site, our current Governor seems to think that making a big deal about e-government is all that it takes to have a “digital dominion.” I’ll bet that Warner won’t make a big deal out of it, but get 10x more done.

    I hope. :)

  • dirty-mall-bum says:

    I tryed to get my paroll offiser to talk to me

    on the internet, but he said the govermint wont

    give him a computer.

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