Council Approves New Leash Law

City Council passed, 3 to 2, a new leash law that allows off-leash areas three days out of the week in Riverview Park. Councilors Meredith Richards and Blake Caravati voted against the law, in part because they felt the scheduled off-leash days system was confusing. The law is experimental, and will come up for review in June of 2002. In a discussion on City of Dogs, advocates of the new leash law make it clear that they would like to see more parks opened up, so this may just be the beginning. The story is in today’s Progress.

1 Response to “Council Approves New Leash Law”

  • Anonymous says:

    The law is experimental, and will come up for review in June of 2002.

    Just like the mall crossing was supposed to come up for review?

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