Detective Arrested on Assault Charges

Albemarle Police Detective K. W. Robinson has been suspended from the force after being served with a warrant for assaulting a suspect during questioning. In August, Robinson and three other detectives were questioning 21-year-old Corey Faison when they provoked him to grab at a camera that they had. That prompted them to throw Faison to the ground and beat him, punching him dozens of times, resulting in Faison’s being brought to the hospital with several broken ribs. The entire affair was captured on videotape, but county police said that it didn’t matter: they pointed out that they could have beaten him with nightsticks if they’d wanted to. Detective Robinson has a history of misconduct: he was fired ten years ago by Chief Miller for kicking a man in the face while arresting him, though his job was reinstated by an appeals board. WINA has the story, though the Progress is likely to have extensive coverage in today’s paper.

4 Responses to “Detective Arrested on Assault Charges”

  • will says:

    Excuse me? Under what law are police officers allowed to beat suspects in questioning with nightsticks? Or with their bare fists, for that matter? Maybe I missed the enactment of the random beating law, but last time I checked that’s quite illegal. I’m losing respect for the Albemarle County Police Dept. faster than I’d though possible lately.

  • Anonymous says:

    Dont you watch movies? You beat the suspect up.

    Then he confesses, and turns in his cohorts, and you say “lets roll” or “I’ve got you now”.

    It’s best if he’s tied to a chair. But grabbing him by the shirt often works too.

    Its easy! People really open up to you when you’re bludgeoning them.

  • Lafe says:

    I’m guessing that they’re taking the stance that him hitting the camera out of their hands was an attack, and that they were simply responding to that attack.

    If he was attacking them, then they were justified in beating him. (According to the law, as I understand it.)

    The question is, was it an attack? Or are they just using that as an excuse?

    I haven’t seen the tape, and so I cannot venture an opinion.

  • Hermes_Simplex says:

    I haven’t seen the tape.


    More often than not the question is not about what provoked the beating, but rather the definition of “submission”.

    I don’t think anybody argues that cops can fight back when “attacked”, in fact I’d say most would agree that the cops have a right to consider more mundane actions to be “attacks” than the general public does, no? they’re in dangerous situations where something like swatting a camera (or whatever it was the guy did) can get out of control quickly. but cops win cases because people use their hands to protect themselves, submission becomes synonymous with unconsciousness, and that’s how loose cannons stay on the beat.

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