Monthly Archive for November, 2001

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Local Man Donates Christmas Tree

Charlottesville resident Robert Shiflett has donated a 22-foot Norway spruce to serve as the city’s Christmas tree this year. This may be the start of a new tradition: after last year’s $22,000 fake tree was destoyed by vandals, a county couple donated a replacement. After the heat that the city took for the cost of the 2000 Christmas tree, getting somebody to donate the tree every year would like prove to be an excellent public image move. Jake Mooney has the story in today’s Progress.

DMB Video Released

The video for Dave Matthews Band‘s new single, “Everyday,” hits the airwaves today. It was filmed just three weeks ago, right here in C’ville on the Downtown Mall. You can give it a watch on DMB’s website. Is it just me, or is it really weird to see the Mall in a video and those shots of NYC interspersed with shots of C’ville?

17 Caught in Drug Sting

Jefferson Area Drug Enforcement (JADE) task force officers have arrested seventeen people in “Operation: Fall Round-Up,” an undercover operation intended to snare low-level crack and marijuana dealers. Said C’ville Lt. Robert Frazier, they got people that weren’t big dealers, but that sell drugs to maintain their habit. The Cav Daily has the story.

Save the Westhaven Sycamores

Residents of the Westhaven public housing project are fighting to keep several of their sycamore trees. City residents including City Councilor Maurice Cox and housing authority board member Joy Johnson have been working through channels both political and practical to prevent the trees from being cut down. The city wants to remove them because they’re destroying nearby sidewalks; Westhaven residents admire the large trees, and don’t want them to go. The story is in today’s Progress.

Council Elections Meeting

From 7-9 this evening in City Council chambers at City Hall, there will be an informational meeting about moving Council elections from May to November. It is recommended that all interested parties attend.



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