DMB Video Released

The video for Dave Matthews Band‘s new single, “Everyday,” hits the airwaves today. It was filmed just three weeks ago, right here in C’ville on the Downtown Mall. You can give it a watch on DMB’s website. Is it just me, or is it really weird to see the Mall in a video and those shots of NYC interspersed with shots of C’ville?

11 Responses to “DMB Video Released”

  • fdr says:

    Maybe it would seem more important if I were watching it on MTV. Watching online, my reaction was, “Oh look, it’s the Mall with Dave Matthews playing in the background. Like that’s something I haven’t seen before…” :-)

  • Waldo says:

    I definitely feel like what I’m seeing isn’t a music video. It couldn’t possibly be, because there’s the Mall!

  • james says:

    i can’t possible imagine what this looks like to people who aren’t familiar with cville.

    must be pretty strange actually; the mall tends look pretty different when photographed. i think its because its hard to frame a single shot that really represents the mall, and what you get instead are strange fragments like store signs and people with their kids.

    and it seems that new yorkers give out more hugs than we do, but maybe its just because they didnt use the footage of him getting kicked around the sidewalk.

    also, its been a while since i scrutinized DMBs career closely, but this has got the be the worst single theyve ever released. yuck.

  • Anonymous says:

    must be pretty strange actually; the mall tends look pretty different when photographed. i think its because its hard to frame a single shot that really represents the mall, and what you get instead are strange fragments like store signs and people with their kids.

    I’ve only seen one shot that I really though represented the Mall well. Some time ago — maybe in ’97-ish — I was right surprised when Mike Williams snagged me on the Mall early one morning. He hurried me into the bookstore and showed me a picture of the Mall in the Sunday Times Magazine, that featured me, Eric Breeden, Noah McMurray, Dario Giminez and…that’s all the people that I can remember. Anyhow, we were in the distance, hacky-sacking. We were in the square closest to Chaps, and the photo was down the Mall, with the Paramount on the right. It was one of the nicest photos of the Mall that I’ve seen yet.

  • Anonymous says:

    Dave Matthews playing in the background? I didn’t catch that. Only saw him in interior shots. But then, I was watching in a two-inch square via Quicktime on my computer.

    Janis Jaquith

  • Anonymous says:

    Dont let local media darling Waldo hear you say that. He’s the only one who gets to have his picture in the paper. I expect he’ll send his goons after you now.

  • Waldo says:

    Dave Matthews playing in the background? I didn’t catch that. Only saw him in interior shots.

    Just the audio was in the background. :)

  • Waldo says:

    What really makes that funny is that I wrote that, I just forgot to log in. :)

    Oddly, about 1/2 of the time that my picture or a mention of me is in a newspaper, I have no idea that it’s going to be there, and often remain wondering why it was in there after I’ve read it. That NYT thing was, of course, just a fluke that I happened to be on the Mall while some guy was 2.5 blocks down with a zoom lens. (I assume.)

  • james says:

    yeah, whatever. you dont have to play dumb,

    we all know your master plan for world domination.

  • BurntHombre says:

    also, its been a while since i scrutinized DMBs career closely, but this has got the be the worst single theyve ever released. yuck.”

    Really? Currently, it’s my favorite song on the album — not that that necessarily contradicts your statement. :) I think it’s got a great upbeat feel to it, and it’s a blast to play on the guitar. I don’t know where I’d rank it compared to all their released singles, but it wouldn’t be last.

  • BurntHombre says:

    There’s a classroom scene in the video with a bunch of elementary-aged kids rushing to hug whatshisname. Does anyone know which school that is? I’m guessing it’s Clark, which would be the closest one to downtown (I think).

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