Ivy Man Arrested for Child Porn

Allen Graves of Ivy has arrested last Friday by the Albemarle Fire Marshall’s office (can they do that?) on charges of reproducing child pornography. They were investigating several arsons on his street a few years ago when they, apparently believing him to be a suspect, seized his computer. That was when they found the illegal material. WINA has the story.

3 Responses to “Ivy Man Arrested for Child Porn”

  • Munk says:

    can they do that?

    Just what I was thinking; do Fire Marshall’s have to read you your rights? Do they even have badges?

  • Anonymous says:

    The WINA link takes you to a story about Albemarle Country Fair officials selling umbrellas.

  • BurntHombre says:

    Don’t you get it? The “County Fair” was “selling umbrellas.” *wink wink* It’s amazing what radio gets away with these days.

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