Coal Tower Gunman Escapes

Incredibly, gunman Craig Nordenson, who had barricaded himself in the downtown coal tower last night, escaped. After an all-night standoff, a SWAT team stormed the tower at 7:40am and found it empty. Police aren’t sure how he managed to get away, what with the dozens of police, the helicopter, the infrared and night vision, and the dozens — possibly hundreds — of onlookers. Several friends of Nordenson have said that he owned a handheld police scanner, and witnesses last night that had snuck right up to the coal tower were shocked to find large areas of land adjacent to the tower entirely unguarded, leaving a potential exit route for the gunman. This also makes the four shots fired around 2:15am a bit of a mystery. All of this is oddly reminiscent of April’s standoff between the SWAT team and an empty house, which resulted in several tear-gassed poodles and a destroyed house.

5 Responses to “Coal Tower Gunman Escapes”

  • Anonymous says:

    Why is the Lexis building closed? And, why is this not reported on NBC29 news? Getting my info from a friend who works there. As far as NBC29 news goes this morning – the coal tower story is not important enough to even mention.

  • Waldo says:

    Wow, that’s incredible. I wonder if Optronics and Inova are closed, also? I know there’s at least one regular reader from Inova, though I don’t know about Optronics. Hey, if anybody else picks up bits of information like this, post them here, would you?

    That is absolutely shocking that NBC 29 didn’t mention the coal tower this morning.

    I guess this is why exists. :)

  • Anonymous says:

    I watched all morning waiting for them to cover it. They just kept replaying that stupid Gilmore story that they ran yesterday!

  • Anonymous says:

    When we have a bit of distance from all of this, that will co ntinue to disturb me.

  • Munk says:

    I wasn’t clear enough. I found it strange and unsettling that this really wasn’t on the news much. I hung out with some WVIR folks over at the house this afternoon and they’re certainly nice and well-intentioned, but for me… well, I wanted to know what was going on enough so much that I walked over there.

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