Man Sues Police for Wrongful Death

The father of Frederick Gray, who was killed by police at Squire Hill in 1997, has filed suit against Albemarle County and several members of the police force for wrongful death. Abraham Gray Jr. and his attorney, Deborah Wyatt, filed a 35-page document alleged an extended history of misconduct, racism, and incompetence on the part of the Albemarle police force. In addition, Gray alleges that the whole system is riddled with cover-ups and instances of criminal wrongdoing on the part of particular members of the force. Adrienne Schwisow has an extensive article in today’s Progress, which is well worth reading to get a proper grasp of everything that this suit encompasses.

1 Response to “Man Sues Police for Wrongful Death”

  • Waldo says:

    I’m not sure what all the rest of the stuff in this suit has to do with the case at hand, or what Deborah Wyatt would even include things like (I kid you not) “rumors” in the submitted document. Maybe they’re trying to scare the county into settling. I guess this might be considered establishing a pattern of negligence, but some of this stuff is pretty severe. Either this will be tossed out, or this will turn into something pretty huge. But I suspect that it will be one extreme or the other, not something in the middle.

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