Rey Barry Takes on C’ville

Local politically-minded fellow (and friend of mine) Rey Barry is taking on Charlottesville and offering solutions to pretty much every problem that you can throw at him. On his site, he has a two-part strengths and weaknesses analysis of Charlottesville and, to some extent, Albemarle County that makes for a very interesting read. If you have any interest in where we’ve come from and where we’re going (which you do, in that you’re reading, give this a read.

4 Responses to “Rey Barry Takes on C’ville”

  • jnlewiS says:

    Interesting… I live 100 yards into the county, but still am frustrated to read all of this.

    However, I am in support of pro-biking initiatives. The bike lanes are not used because they do not form a complete network. Getting from Barracks road to downtown means negotiatiating dangerous roads before hitting the Preston bike ave.


  • Waldo says:

    The bike lanes also aren’t used because they’re lined with parking spaces, rendering them largely useless. The idea behind biking lanes (in theory) is that they’re an unobstructed parallel lane for the exclusive use of cyclists. And this would be true, if it weren’t for the parking spaces that often line the road beside those bike lanes. This means that cyclists have to be constantly-wary of doors that will swing open, sending them flying.

    I was glad when they put in the lanes on West Main, but I quickly realized that they were worthless to me because of this very problem.

  • KevinCox says:

    Gimme a break! I walk down West Main almost every day and I see bikers who find the bike lanes perfectly useful in spite of the adjacent parking spaces. If the chance of getting “doored” is keeping you from biking I assume you never go outside. After all, you might get hit by a piece of falling sky!

    Kevin Cox

  • Waldo says:

    Gimme a break! I walk down West Main almost every day and I see bikers who find the bike lanes perfectly useful in spite of the adjacent parking spaces. If the chance of getting “doored” is keeping you from biking I assume you never go outside. After all, you might get hit by a piece of falling sky!

    Oh, I disagree — it’s a frequent and quite-painful problem. Though I’ve had a number of close encounters, I’ve never been hit. I have plenty of friends who have. There are many roads where this is not a problem, but West Main Street is particularly bad, because it is lined with stores that people frequently go in and out of, meaning that there’s a great deal of short-term visitors, and therefore a lot of people getting in and out of their cars. If you look, you will see that the bike lanes line up perfectly with where a door lies upon opening. There’s no warning when a door opens (not like when a car stops, in which case you have brake lights or something.) People don’t check before they open a door, not when the streets are as wide as West Main. There’s simply no warning, and it requires a bicyclist to fling themselves left, out into traffic, and take their chances with whatever vehicle is to their left. Because car doors are not known for being forgiving obstacles.

    Bike lanes are not fundamentally without value if they’re lined with parking, but they are worthless to me if they are. I end up simply riding in the street to avoid the problem. Parnoid? Perhaps. Without injury? Yup. So I figure it’s working out for me. :)

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